LisaJoy said:My Son insisted we get this game, so I folded, I always do..
we just have it in default settings, which looks great to me..
did our first timedemo
Date / Time: 10/5/2003 4:33:46 AM (75218ms)
2000MHz, 1024MB, 128M ATI Radeon 9800 PRO (DeviceID=0x4e48) Driver= Shader=1.4
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo\halo.exe -timedemo (Version=
Total Time=97.15s
Average frame rate=48.38fps
Below 5fps= 11% (time) 0% (frames) (11.393s spent in 11 frames)
Below 10fps= 12% (time) 0% (frames)
Below 15fps= 12% (time) 0% (frames)
Below 20fps= 12% (time) 0% (frames)
Below 25fps= 13% (time) 0% (frames)
Below 30fps= 13% (time) 0% (frames)
Below 40fps= 21% (time) 6% (frames)
Below 50fps= 43% (time) 26% (frames)
Below 60fps= 72% (time) 59% (frames)
Memory used Max=161MB, Min=131MB, Ave=150MB
certainly not bad
Well Lisajoy, your computer is certainly handling better than mine, but you might see a performance boost by adding in the line -use 20 both during the time demo and during the game.(heck, radeon 9600/9700/9800 and maybe 9500 are pixel shader 2.0 capable, might as well use it)
BTW, the halo timedemo is mostly cutscenes(there is one part that is playable in the game but they just leave you watching, which is actually like the fastest part of the timedemo). Also, it does have a loading thing that the benchmark isn't smart enough to ignore, but on my computer it loads so fast that it happens in under a second.
Also, it may say 0% of the frames, but that's just cause it's such a small number of the frames, timewise it is still taking up 11% at below 5 fps, with another 2% lost somewhere between that and 30 fps.