
mkillio said:
I can't find it. Ever seen it?

I've seen it, if you haven't seen it I recommend you avoid the experience. Poke yourself in the eye or something, it's more rewarding.
For what it's worth, I couldn't find any links for it at the standard underground places for such links....and the IMDB was not kind to this 1995 release:

IMDB said:
Summary: The fate of the free world rests in the hands of......a wussy gymnist!

GYMKATA was something I saw on cable once...two hours later I drank a glass of hemlock in a attempt to wash out this film's bad taste. This is one of those A TEAMISH movies where the villain catches the good guy and tells his hench me...." Lock him away, I will deal with him later." While the villain is off stroking his FU MANCHU goatee and drinking a glass of VERNORS, the hero escapes! If you've seen a movie like that then you've seen GYMKATA already.....Don't waste your time.
Why do you want this movie? :|
Because Gymkata is the worst movie of all time. It's so bad that it's hilarious. It's around $70 to buy it on VHS.
mkillio said:
Because Gymkata is the worst movie of all time. It's so bad that it's hilarious. It's around $70 to buy it on VHS.
Hmmm. Well if it's a cult underground classic I'd really expect a copy of it to be floating around on the underground, but I can't find any sign of it.

You sure it just doesn't suck? :|
mkillio said:
Because Gymkata is the worst movie of all time. It's so bad that it's hilarious. It's around $70 to buy it on VHS.
Ebay has several copies. Amazon has a few in the 'used' bin, also.

Truly, though, you could stick to the modern 'classics', like Glitter or Showgirls.
it's ridiculously funny, we're talking, pummel horse in the middle of abie ridden town for absolutley no reason.
mkillio said:
it's ridiculously funny, we're talking, pummel horse in the middle of abie ridden town for absolutley no reason.

A high school buddy and I came home from the bar drunk one night and this movie was on HBO. It was almost twenty years ago but I remember the both of us just cracking up at the horse in the middle of the town square.

Xanadu is still the worst movie of all time. I actually saw this in the theater expecting another Grease when I was 14-15.
John Reynolds said:
Zanadu is still the worst movie of all time. I actually saw this in the theater expecting another Grease when I was 14-15.
"AAAAIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!", shouts the Dig in exasperation banging his head against his desk. "No, no, NO, NO, NO!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!"

My younger sister fell absolutely bonkers in love with that movie when she was around 10 and I was about 15 and she drove me NUTS just playing the soundtrack/movie over and over and over and over and over again!!!

Ever since I read your post, I can't get the damned main theme out of my mind....I keep hearing Olivia FUCKING Newton John singing "Xanaduuuuuu! XanaduuuAAuuu!".

You're evil without even trying John, you're improving. ;)

EDITED BITS: And it was Gene Kelly's last fucking movie too! (I'm a huge Gene Kelly fan. )
John Reynolds said:
Xanadu is still the worst movie of all time.

I'd say either "On Deadly Grounds" with Stephen "Woodface" Seagal or "Cyborg III" are good candidates for worst movies ever.

Some movies score points on being so bad they become funny cult classics. Well, neither of my candidates fall into that category. Stephen Seagal's movie has some dumb injun dream hokey-pokey magic shit in the middle somewhere with eagles flying and stuff, and then he holds a really corny speech at the end about saving the environment after having blown up half of alaska with soot-and-dioxin-spewing gasoline explosions. As usual, he keeps the same stony Judge Dredd-like expression throughout the entire movie. When his face sort of twitches a little, that means he's trying to show, "oww, that hurt".

Cyborg III has this doped-up steroid broiler chick carrying big guns in it. Like Arnold in his early movies, she has about 3 lines sum total. Actually, I think she says, "nothing clean, right", "fuck off asshole" and "what's your address there?", and that's it. Also, she keeps changing her belt all the time, I think she wears like fifteen different belts. The writer and/or director obviously has some kind of kinky belt fetisch going because this is really really weird.

Also, both of these movies are insanely boring, precluding them from being a laugh-fest. Only way you'd laugh watching them is if you drink yourself to death and then return as a ghost and understood you died watching a POS movie like that... Probably means you actually committed suicide rather than finish watching it. ;)
John Reynolds said:
Xanadu is still the worst movie of all time. I actually saw this in the theater expecting another Grease when I was 14-15.
I couldnt more honestly disagree with you. Worst movie ever: druids. Its so bad it actually wraps around and becomes amusing at times. :)
