Guys, I've enrolled into 15 subjects at Uni


Retarded moron
I'm doing 4 subjects now, and 5 in the 2nd semester.
I'm exempted from the rest because of my previous qualifications.

I've been exempted from 2nd year subjects too.

Current non-exempted subjects I'm doing:
2nd year:
SCM2112 Operating Systems (SCM1115)
SCM2311 Object Oriented Prog. 1 (SCM1312)
1st year:
SCM1613 Applied Statistics 1
SCM1711 Mathematical Foundations 1

2nd year:
SCM2911 Linear Optimisation Modelling (Nil)
SCM3311 Object Orient Prog 2 (JAVA) (SCM2311)
SCM2213 Computer Graphics (OpenGL) (SCM1312)
1st year:
SCM1712 Mathematical Foundations 2 (SCM1711)
SCM1614 Applied Stats. 2 (SCM1613)

1st year means that it's a first year subject, 2nd year means it's a 2nd year subject.

Are these good subjects in order to become John Carmack?
Congratulations on your entry into the collegiate world. Surely you will learn lots of amazing things in and out of the class room. Just don't forget to have lots of fun while 'studying' and remember that just because it isn't in a book or on an overhead slide, it doesn't mean it isn't terribly important.

K.I.L.E.R said:
Are these good subjects in order to become John Carmack?

There is no way to accurately predict this. John Carmack never completed his university degree. Actually, I believe he only completed about what you have listed here (2 semesters) and maybe that was you little joke (?) :p You could argue that John Carmack is not as great as he could have been because of his early departure from university or you could view it as university being a non-factor when it comes to genius. That is not to say that university would put out the flame of the genius or that drop-out status is a prerequisite for success. However, keep in mind that if your will falters then the rest goes with it.

A great man once said: "Don't let your schooling get in the way of your education." That man was Mark Twain and I really have no idea of knowing if he was really great. Those words are great, I know that.

If university was the way to becoming Carmack-like, then we sure would have lots of them, leaving little room for JC to shine. Personally, I believe university can be so stressful as to change your persona from one of hope and possibility into one of stress and,well...pain. When it stops being fun there is little point in continuing and sometimes we forget where we came from.

I guess I am writing this to say:

Whatever happens in university, don't let yourself stop happening. If you want to be a great programmer you have to keep writing (great) code. No university buildings required, but the assembly of minds and knowledge at your disposal should be a great asset to you. Don't let it get in your way.

Good luck and enjoy your time in university. :D
Just to note:
I've been doing previous courses at uni, this is just my computer science and maths course. Basically my 3rd year.

I'm only doing it to get math and graphics knowledge for graphics programming.

PS: I just wanted to see who'd freak over the number of subjects down on my enrolement. :LOL:
The receptionist said that it was too many subjects, she didn't know I was exempted from nearly everything.

I have shit all to do at uni, all I'm going to concentrate on is graphics in OpenGL.
.. all I'm going to concentrate on is graphics in OpenGL.

A rather shorsighted attitude! There is plenty of other stuff in your list of courses that can be interesting and useful.
I would strongly recommend you pay attention to the Operating Systems, Object Oriented programming (even though it is in Java) and all the maths ones. By all means have a goal, but don't miss out on the other stuff you could be doing on the way. (Here endeth the lesson).

Captain Chickenpants said:
... but don't miss out on the other stuff you could be doing on the way. (Here endeth the lesson).


Like drinking beer and scoping chicks. (lesson explained)

I've read the syllabus of OOP, I've done all of the mentioned things, basically it's saying that I should take Sun's exam later on.
It's just the uni is too stingy to give me an exemption for that.

Operating systems is about basics of an operating system, deadlocking, threading, virtual memory and the like.
I already know about that stuff.
Programming is easy, I've been doing it for several years, I have high distinctions for all my programming classes, I barely did any work to earn it.

I want to go further with OGL, which means doing advanced maths topics and the graphics class.

Captain Chickenpants said:
.. all I'm going to concentrate on is graphics in OpenGL.

A rather shorsighted attitude! There is plenty of other stuff in your list of courses that can be interesting and useful.
I would strongly recommend you pay attention to the Operating Systems, Object Oriented programming (even though it is in Java) and all the maths ones. By all means have a goal, but don't miss out on the other stuff you could be doing on the way. (Here endeth the lesson).

K.I.L.E.R said:
Are these good subjects in order to become John Carmack?

No, but throw in a couple of HCI modules and you'll be pretty much there.
Captain Chickenpants said:
Object Oriented programming (even though it is in Java)
As opposed to OOP in C++? I would have assumed that Java probably does OOP cleanly, rather than, IMHO, the messy kludge of C++. <shrug>
Simon F said:
Captain Chickenpants said:
Object Oriented programming (even though it is in Java)
As opposed to OOP in C++? I would have assumed that Java probably does OOP cleanly, rather than, IMHO, the messy kludge of C++. <shrug>
Yes it does, Java was designed from the bottom up to be a clean OOP language, as opposed to C++ where it was pretty much tacked on as an extension to C. I just meant that I don't especially like Java itsself, although it was quite a while ago that I looked at it.

I have a Java book on my shelf if you want a read.

K.I.L.E.R said:
Just to note:
PS: I just wanted to see who'd freak over the number of subjects down on my enrolement. :LOL:
The receptionist said that it was too many subjects, she didn't know I was exempted from nearly everything.
It dont think its too many subjects at all. When i first started my electrical engineering degree at UWS I was doing 9 subjects in one semester. Mon-Fri 9-6pm every day! THe next semester was just as bad with 8 subjects and it was like that till the end of the degree.
_xxx_ said:
MuFu said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
Are these good subjects in order to become John Carmack?

No, but throw in a couple of HCI modules and you'll be pretty much there.

You'll also need the "How to become a genious" course ;)

Dude, it's all there in HCI. Keep key functionality above the fold, don't use neon colours exclusively in your GUI, buy a mouse the size and shape of a tortoise and a chair with no back. Genius.