GUNDAM - Operation Troy (X360) Screens

This is the type of gameplay experience they are going for. Appears to be alot faster paced than your typical Gundam game:

The majority of it is CG but right at the 50 second mark when he goes into cockpit mode it kinda looks real-time (similar environment to these new screens).

Also here's another video of an old build (different environment from these screens). Really dark though so it's hardto make thing out:

The game has come a long way from this one ;)
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This is the type of gameplay experience they are going for. Appears to be alot faster paced than your typical Gundam game:

The majority of it is CG but right at the 50 second mark when he goes into cockpit mode it kinda looks real-time (similar environment to these new screens).

After seeing that vid I'm not so sure about the pictures anymore.. They should really release some vids just like they did for the PS3.
Pics look surprisingly nice, but I still expect final game to look and play like crap (it's a Gundam game, after all).
These screen are not in-game at all, you could tell. This look to be a low quality CGI Screen.

I dunno, compared to the PS3 gundam game I dont think these are out of reach. Theres some things I could nitpick about (but I wont) that gives evidence to realtime. I think this is pretty do'able.

Well these pics are clearly not CG so I wouldn't worry too much ;)

I thought this was funny heh, in your orginal post you question it..
Is this real-time or more target render stuff?

but yeah, I dont think this is pre-rendered.
graphically average like the ps3 version, certainly not wow ie crysis or the naughtydog game
lighting is pretty average also (so why the positive comments?)
nice to see selfshadowing with shadowmaps though, on the downside there appears to be no perspective adjustment with the shadowmaps ie theyre using a single rectangle shadowmap
I thought this was funny heh, in your orginal post you question it..

but yeah, I dont think this is pre-rendered.

I questioned it being a target render. CG and target render are completely different. Target renders usually use in-game assets but in a pre-rendered state.

CG on the other hand (like the one in the trailer) are usually completely unattainable in real-time.
They can be the same. Doesnt EA consider their Airborne trailer a target render? Same for some of Sony's trailers. (killzone/motorstorm). And EA's madden when it was first shown. They all called them target renders.
They can be the same. Doesnt EA consider their Airborne trailer a target render? Same for some of Sony's trailers. (killzone/motorstorm). And EA's madden when it was first shown. They all called them target renders.

Actually according to Sony and Phil harrison, Killzone at E3 05 was realtime ingame running at 60fps :p