Guitar Amps


Professional Malcontent
I've currently got a Gibson SG special, through a PodXT, into a Roland Keyboard solid state amp.

For whatever reason, I've got a bug in me to buy a guitar amp, and not exactly sure which one.

I'm not really interested in any of the modeling amps, or amps with digital effects built in, since I've got a PodXT now (and likely will always have some sort of effects box). My inner guitar snob says "buy tube!", so I'm good with that. I've been recommended a Fender Blues Jr., but I'm not really happy that it doesn't have effects send/return (though I suppose I could do guitar->PodXT->BluesJr) or a line/headphone out. I am happy about the cost (~$400), compared to other Fenders that have such features ($700+).

I also like the output level, since I'm using this for home studio sort of stuff, and not gigging. I don't want to have to live between 0 and 1 to be able to use it in a small room without earplugs.

Another option seems to be B-52, and their 112 model. Its 60 watts, which might be 'too loud', but it has all the other options I was thinking about.

Anyways, please recommend!
Look for an old used Crate Stealth 50. One of the best amps ever made, designed by Lee Jackson (he made and modded Amps for pretty much every major player out there including Vai, Satriani and such). Those are just fantastic for the money, you can hear it in my Kramer 84 reissue vid I posted here a while ago.

Other than that, take a look at the Vox Valvetronix series. I know you don't want a modeller, but give this one a try.

How about building one yourself? There are reasonably priced tube amp kits out there which really rock, like Madamp:
I love my Peavey Classic 30 (also tube) and isn't terribly expensive. Good cleans and nice blues crunch/distortion.
However, I'd hesitate to bring it above 3 i nthe bedroom.

A lot of people like the Epi Valve junior for cleans. It's dirt cheap, and isn't too bad out of the box. A lot of people have modded it (there are instructions online) to make it sound better.

The lower volume means you can push the speaker a lot more.
Well, that's the problem. I want to play everything. Except rap, and I'm not too hot on death metal.

Though, if I were forced to name one thing, it would probably be classic/southern rock.
Your best bet is to visit the next best bigger shop and try several amps, since anything someone recommends you will still be somewhat biased.

You can also just buy a simple sound-neutral power amp and keep using your Pod, that would work just fine.

Or if you're into portability, try Crate Powerblock. They're being discontinued now so they're cheap if you can find any in stock. It's 150W Top in a 10" housing, just a little bit bigger than a CD-drive. It doesn't mess with the sound and works just perfect as just a power amp:
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