For whatever reason that cancerous piece of shit called social club is suddenly trowing unable to initialize dx9 errors and won't start GTA5 anymore.
I've reinstalled the game, enable/disabled the videocard, removed/reinstalled drivers, installed the dx9 redistributables that come with the game etc but no luck. Haven't done anything to my system apart from the usual windows 7 updates but I don't see how that could have broken dx9.
All other games work fine but they are not made by Rockstar. No surprise there, rockstar has never ever released a pc game that wasn't an utter piece of shit and this again proves as much. That social club crap is the biggest piece of bullshit software even, even worse than ubishofts uNotPlay. How the asshats that created that pos aren't out of a job is beyond me.
Rockstars support pages are ever useless but again given the quality of pc code they produce there is no surprise there either.
Anybody have any ideas how I can fix rockstars shit? Was pretty close to the end of the game and even though I'm fed up with their crap and will never spend another penny on their shit again (shouldve done that after GTA4 already!) I would like to finish the game.