in the forums and the papers linked sometimes go into deep detail about performance differences. Usually, the comparisons are done at the architecture, not app level. i.e. latency hiding, bandwidth, peak flop rates, etc. There isn't a "physics" benchmark persay, but there are fluid codes, bioinformatics codes, etc that you can get from and the vrious paper links that you can run against the CPU.
At the moment, very few algs on current GPUs are more than 10x a CPU, and nobody should be 100X a CPU unless the comparison is against an untuned CPU code, or the algorithm is actually very different between the processors. Stay tuned for the next round of GPGPU high performance apps over the next year at conferences like Graphics Hardware, Supercomputing, ASPLOS, PACT, Micro, etc. I'm sure you'll also hear more from Nvidia/ATI and companies like Havok and Microsoft over the coming year.
Now, if you are going to render your simulation, doing the sim+render all on the GPU might be MUCH faster than sim on the CPU + render on the GPU since you've taken the costly feedback loop between the GPU and CPU out of the equation.
And rememeber, not everything will be fast on the GPU, only applications that can be shoehorned into fitting the characteristics of the architectures and their limitations.