Google Talk


Google Talk -

What do you think of it. It seems rather simple and a bit lean on features at the moment but I guess that could change as it is still in beta.
I think it's good that it's simple and lean. All the other chatters have become more cluttered the more features were added, some admittedly more than others *cough*icq*ahem*. They've all been cluttered up significantly though. I instantly liked GT's interface first time I saw it. It doesn't seem to have video conversations - yet at least -and other than that, all else I desire is cross-compatibility with MSN primarily as that is the chatter I use right now. I could use Yahoo too as I have other online friends that use that one that I've not talked to in ages because I got tired of running two chatters at once and having a different look and feel of each program.

It's very likely I'll download and try out GT pretty soon. Seems a good enough program to at least try, and it IS free after all... :)
The best part is that it's jabber, so kopete gets along with it just fine, along with iChat, gaim, miranda and trillian.
Why don't you try gaim for windows?. It has jabber, yahoo and msn support in the same window (more or less like trillian). It's the one I use and i'm very happy with it.
i have to throw another vote in for gaim. it supports almost everything, even irc. plus it's customizable, and you can automate almost anything with a pounce.
agreed, gaim is my hero. it's not perfect of course, but it's more perfect than any of the software it emulates, and it emulates them all. and google should be a hero to us ALL for supporting jabber. it really takes a company with smarts and balls to finally come along and say screw it, we're not afraid, and we're opening it up. thank COHONES for google. now you just know all of the other companies with chatters will shrivel up and follow suit before long. ;) well, except msn. they'll always be too selfish.


hehe.... :LOL: