glPushClientAttrib buggy in Catalyst 3.6 ?


a.k.a. Ingenu
I have problems with this command.

Either directly or indirectly.
I have no OpenGL error, but I get crashs (acces violation in ATI GL DLL) in various places when I use it, while it works peferctly well when I don't...

ATM I've had a crash @ glMultiDrawElements the second time it's reached.
(that is after a push/pop/push)
and @ pushClientAttrib the second time.

(Looks like there's a pattern here)

Anyone knows about this bug, faced it... ?
ok I'll send them a report.

it crashes when using ARB_VP and ARB_VBO,
and with glPushClientAttrib set to either GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT or GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS.

(it doesn't crash if VP is disabled, neither if glPushClientAttrib is set to GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT)
BTW is there a bug database available somewhere, to see the current known issues and their status ?