GF6xxx owners: do you have an SLI setup?

GF6xxx owners: do you have an SLI setup?

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I thought there were more people with GF6 here...but the numbers still suffice to say that almost noone has an SLI setup. Which makes me think that "normal" users with SLI are even lower percentage. Just wanted to prove the point to someone :)
13 voters are too low to drive any conclusion. I would move the poll to 3d tech forum. Most people dont even come to hardware section. (Not that I believe the result would change dramatically.)
Which makes me think that "normal" users with SLI are even lower percentage. Just wanted to prove the point to someone Smile

To me? You proved you don't know what you are doing. ;)
Statistic sample is small for sure.
However, Beyond3D has a lot of members, and you have to consider the possibility that this may to some degree reflect the uptake of these new cards/technologies. It has always been a tendency on these boards to assume that "everyone" has the latest hardware, (even when said hardware has only been (pre)announced :)). Which has clashed terribly with the data that Valve collects and make publicly available.

From the point where technology has been announced, it
* has to become available
* has to fit in with peoples upgrade cycles
* has to fit inside the budget people feel comfortable with for this particular toy
* Price/performance ratio has to be percieved as worthwhile
* has to be desireable at all (Noise, size, power draw, setup hassle, whatever)

SLI has problems on all of these points. Time of availability will improve of course, but the last three issues will not go away. It remains to be seen if SLI/AMR/... will ever amount to anything much other than a marketing tool for the IHVs. That role is significant in its own right, but only affects consumers indirectly, and, if it turns out that SLI uptake is weak, just about only in negative ways.
Let us take these statistics at face value then:

7% of people with NV GF6 cards have two cards in one system. This makes up for 14% of total graphics cards sales of the GF6 and 7% of total motherboard sales for the NF4 chipset.

According to the Inquirer approx. 30% of NF4 chipset sales are SLI, and of these 21% according to these stats are SLI enabled if you extrapolate the two sets of data.
Entropy said:
SLI has problems on all of these points. Time of availability will improve of course, but the last three issues will not go away. It remains to be seen if SLI/AMR/... will ever amount to anything much other than a marketing tool for the IHVs. That role is significant in its own right, but only affects consumers indirectly, and, if it turns out that SLI uptake is weak, just about only in negative ways.
The only real benefit of SLI currently is the featureset on the boards (SLI assied of course), and it appears that some manufacturers do not offer the whle feature set to the Nforce 4 Ultra boards (Asus is one example).
As for price performance, I don't think tthis differs from any other high end hardware. It'll be adopted by few, utilised to it's full extent by even less users and praised by the media.
It's already been established that SLI does provide a nice peformance boost but at a price few are willing or able to pay. I know I most probably will never use it and will just upgrade my GPU/CPU when the time comes.
Same game, same ballpark - different hype.
_xxx_ said:
Just curious.
One of the quetions I can't get away from is why people would buy two 6600 GT's for SLI when at the same price they can get a single 6800GT.
Same price, same performance and less hassle seem to make the single card solution still a better one.
As for pure extremists, well that's a different story.
Tahir said:
Which makes me think that "normal" users with SLI are even lower percentage. Just wanted to prove the point to someone Smile

To me? You proved you don't know what you are doing. ;)

I don't think so. B3D visitors are surely the more enthusiastic crowd. And we have 1 guy with SLI so far.
Your sample is too small.

As for the market, I agree to an extent, Beyond3D users are going to be more inclined to have SLI setups, but make the same POLL and POST on NVNEWS and you will get more replies. ;) Your sample is far too small to have any accurate representation of consumers.

Anyway even going by your tiny sample of 14 people, you still got 1 person with a SLI setup.

By the way I am not just pulling statements out of thin air to prove you wrong. I work for a reseller and based a lot of my statements on what they are buying. We do sell a lot of highend graphics cards and do have a lot of enthusiasts. Unfortunately going into our tracking system for such specific data is not feasible for me but the general impression is that it is higher than 7% of people buying NV GF6's are buying more than one for a SLI setup. And I am thoroughly surprised at this phenomena...

For NVIDIA and ATI to ignore even 7% of its sales doesn't make sense rather than what you stated in the other thread.
I believe that, but this is my line of thought:

With that 0.1%, I'm not talking about GF6 buyers but all PC users. Half of them uses onboard Intel/SIS/Whatever gfx, and half of the rest has ATI cards. And then just a fraction of what's left has a GF6 card in the first place.

I'd just really like to know how many SLI systems exist out there.
Altcon said:
_xxx_ said:
Just curious.
One of the quetions I can't get away from is why people would buy two 6600 GT's for SLI when at the same price they can get a single 6800GT.
Same price, same performance and less hassle seem to make the single card solution still a better one.
As for pure extremists, well that's a different story.

It's quite simple really. They see the extra high score in 3dmark and buy into the hype which also boosts their e-penis. Alot of people also get SLi motherboards for two reasons, more features and the possibility of SLi in the future when card prices come down. It also allows for someone who is interested in running 3-4 3d accelerated monitors to do so.
ANova said:
Altcon said:
_xxx_ said:
Just curious.
One of the quetions I can't get away from is why people would buy two 6600 GT's for SLI when at the same price they can get a single 6800GT.
Same price, same performance and less hassle seem to make the single card solution still a better one.
As for pure extremists, well that's a different story.

It's quite simple really. They see the extra high score in 3dmark and buy into the hype which also boosts their e-penis. Alot of people also get SLi motherboards for two reasons, more features and the possibility of SLi in the future when card prices come down. It also allows for someone who is interested in running 3-4 3d accelerated monitors to do so.
I want a big e-penis! how do I measure it?
seriously though, I had neglected the four monitor option, but somehow I doubt SLI users are really concerned about it.
I got mine for more features. I also believe the big companies update the software for their flagship boards more often and over longer periods of time. This will all translate into better dual core support and overall support in the long run.
I know it did with my Asus A7N8X Deluxe mobo.
Altcon said:
_xxx_ said:
Just curious.
One of the quetions I can't get away from is why people would buy two 6600 GT's for SLI when at the same price they can get a single 6800GT.
Same price, same performance and less hassle seem to make the single card solution still a better one.
As for pure extremists, well that's a different story.

Ask the OEM's. There's a Falcon machine that's running with dual-6600GT's for no good reason but to put SLI on the box.
ANova said:
Altcon said:
_xxx_ said:
Just curious.
One of the quetions I can't get away from is why people would buy two 6600 GT's for SLI when at the same price they can get a single 6800GT.
Same price, same performance and less hassle seem to make the single card solution still a better one.
As for pure extremists, well that's a different story.

It's quite simple really. They see the extra high score in 3dmark and buy into the hype which also boosts their e-penis.

It's no different than someone who chooses an Ultra over a 6600GT. Who's to say at which point the hype and cyber-shlong envy kicks in ;)
trinibwoy said:
It's no different than someone who chooses an Ultra over a 6600GT. Who's to say at which point the hype and cyber-shlong envy kicks in ;)

Well, an Ultra does perform twice as good in everything over a single 6600 GT. Not to mention a single 6800GT or Ultra performs better then two 6600 GTs in SLi. Other then the reasons I mentioned, the people who spend $400 on two 6600 GTs do so for the sole purpose of what you and I mentioned previously.