getting info from dead hd


My HD in my laptop is not spinning. I took it to a dude he said they can recover sector by sector in Bangkok but it's expensive. I've got photos etc and 150 films on it not important stuff but quite a bit of stuff. I was just wondering if any of yous know of a cheaper way of getting the data from a dead HD
Ta zed
the HD wont spin at all or wont spin to stable speed?

if it still able to start spinning but spin down again, plug it to PC with good PSU. If you are lucky, your HDD will work fine for long enough for copy all files.
I think the better shops simply find the same or a compatible drive, take apart the broken hdd and swap out the data carrying disc, assuming the drive is broken (head crash or whatever). Then software recovery (rebuilding missing information by reading lock for block) can do the rest. My dad had this done by some company here that specialises in it, and it was at a reasonably fair cost too (order of 90 euro I think)
Opening up a drive and swapping the discs is an extremely iffy proposition. A harddrive is an extremely sensitive piece of equipment, one single speck of foreign matter on the disc (or even partial finger print) can ruin the read/write head and scratch up the disc itself, destroying data and possibly the filing system also.

First try the easy tricks, ok? :D If the drive won't spin up, try jiggling it (removing it from the laptop first, of course.) This may give the spindle motor the initial inertia it needs to start turning.

Freezing the drive has worked for some issues in the past, but I'm unsure if it's really that great an idea. If you live in the far east, then air is rather humid during the summer months at least, and frost on the platters would be bad news when the drive spins up. :) If you decide to do this, make sure you seal the drive tight with as little air trapped as possible in a plastic bag, with power and data cables already attached. This to try and prevent frost buildup and condensation when the drive starts thawing. Letting the drive sit for a couple hours in the plastic bag along with a fresh pouch of silica gel beads could also be helpful. Don't ask me where to find silica gel though. :D

Also, you can try finding an identical drive (as in exact same model and capacity, which could be difficult and/or pricy) and swap the logic boards. This is usually fairly easy to do, you may need a small-sized torx screwdriver though. Also, no guarantee it will work, which sucks if you have to spend money on another new/used drive; the fault may lay elsewhere than the logic board.
Also, you can try finding an identical drive (as in exact same model and capacity, which could be difficult and/or pricy) and swap the logic boards. This is usually fairly easy to do, you may need a small-sized torx screwdriver though. Also, no guarantee it will work, which sucks if you have to spend money on another new/used drive; the fault may lay elsewhere than the logic board.

This doesn't work any more. Modern drives keep a chunk of code on the disc itself, so swapping boards does nothing.
btw addition for my previous tips,
+ put the hdd in many direction before spin-up. (diagonal, upside down etc).
+ jiggle the hdd while spinning up (jiggle slowly/little)
Yeah in the old days when I was starting out as a PC tech we used to freeze the drives then plug power in and jiggle them. Sometimes even a slight knock on a bench can get them going.

At least this event will make you consider some kind of backup :)
We have had pretty good luck with the freezer trick in recent years. It's definitely worth a shot.

This is in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina, where the humidity will leave you with extreme swampass after a short walk down the street, and still I've never gone through the process that Grall described. Our office and those of our clients and our cars of course climate controlled, so I don't know what the big deal is.
Cheers for the advice guys. Not looking to good then. Ik going back to nz tonight unexpectedly so will try something there. Just gotta hope my diarrhea holds up for the 15 hr's. 6x in se Asia for me and the first time ever. gonna be a good flight :(
diarrhea from SEA?

i hope its not typhus (dunno its the right english or not)
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