Gas $ at the pump?


What do you pay.

Today in Toronto (am) it was $1.07 per liter. In US currency that is ~$0.94 per litre.
It was over $3/gal for me today when I went to fill up my lawn mower gas can, I have a 3 gallon can and $5 barely got it half filled! :oops:

That actually shocked me for some reason.
1.33€/l for gasoline and 1.07€/l for diesel in my little corner of europe.
It almost justifies a trip to spain just to fill the tank :/
was 1.295€ / L yesterday evening over here.
I'll maybe have to quit smoking (4.70 euros for a pack of Lucky Strike, it's a shame that taxes on tobbaco made cigarrette prices go +50% over the last years.. it's as obnoxious as gas prices.)
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1.339€/l for 91 octane (RON), 1.359€/l for 95 octane in this corner of Germany.

Last I saw in England before easter was £0.919/l for 95 octane IIRC.

	  USD/G	USD/l	EUR/l	GBP/l	CND/l	AUS/l
1 USD/G:  1	0.26	0.21	0.15	0.30	0.35
1 USD/l:  3.79	1	0.81	0.56	1.14	1.34
1 EUR/l:  4.67	1.23	1	0.69	1.40	1.66
1 GBP/l:  6.74	1.78	1.44	1	2.03	2.39
1 CND/l:  3.33	0.88	0.71	0.49	1	1.18
1 AUS/l:  2.82	0.74	0.60	0.41	0.85	1
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Duh, there's more gas in the atmosphere then there is under our feet.

I'm not sure if you all fully realize this but within ten years gas will only be affordable by the rich. Half of all cars will be parked for months in a row. There will be wars explicitely for oil. There will be terrorist attacks explicitely for oil. Gas will truely be black gold, except that we burn it.

We need to invest in electrically driven cars right now. You won't be traveling as fast or as far but at least you'll still have a car. Nuclear energy is very economical to produce electricity and modern generations are more ecological and safer than you might think. Fusion can take over once it has matured. In the short term, you can choose a car that uses much less gas per kilometer, even a hybrid.