I really dislike the "difficulty" settings in games today.
Back in the day games were much more unforgiving.
Like eg. X-Wing.
Last chapter, second to last battle. BLAM. You die.
Go back to the start, begin a new career and do better this time.
No easy mode, no being held in the hand.
It gave an sense of achievement when you finally cracked "the code" and completed a hard challenge.
Games like "Populous", "Wing Commander" or "Another world" are also great exmaples of games that have no difficulty settings.
And I find the gameplay had a better design of that.
The developers made the game hard and did not have to resort to eg. "bullet sponges" to adapt for more difficulty settings or other cheats.
You just started the game up and any failure was on you, not the game.
It feels like a "participation trophy" setting more than anything else today.
For me "difficulty" settings are a "must cater to all" and it impacts gameplay in a negativ way.
Back in the day games were much more unforgiving.
Like eg. X-Wing.
Last chapter, second to last battle. BLAM. You die.
Go back to the start, begin a new career and do better this time.
No easy mode, no being held in the hand.
It gave an sense of achievement when you finally cracked "the code" and completed a hard challenge.
Games like "Populous", "Wing Commander" or "Another world" are also great exmaples of games that have no difficulty settings.
And I find the gameplay had a better design of that.
The developers made the game hard and did not have to resort to eg. "bullet sponges" to adapt for more difficulty settings or other cheats.
You just started the game up and any failure was on you, not the game.
It feels like a "participation trophy" setting more than anything else today.
For me "difficulty" settings are a "must cater to all" and it impacts gameplay in a negativ way.