Galak-Z [PS4, PSV]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11852
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Deleted member 11852

Gamasutra has an interesting interview with the devs of this upcoming indie game, which is cross-genre rogue-like/space shooter.

They're aiming for a late 2014 release.

Looks fun. Been following this for a little while. I just love it when every projectile is its own light source, which is happening more these days. More lights! More lights!!!
That animated gif doesn't look anything rogue-like at all. Rogue was a turn-based, randomized dungeon strategy game with text graphics and alphanumerical controls. What I see in that image does not match in the slightest.

Maybe levels are simply randomized and that's why they call it that way? *shrug* No idea...
That animated gif doesn't look anything rogue-like at all. Rogue was a turn-based, randomized dungeon strategy game with text graphics and alphanumerical controls. What I see in that image does not match in the slightest.

Maybe levels are simply randomized and that's why they call it that way? *shrug* No idea...

I used to love Rogue though I much prefered Moria.
Why is this a 'Rogue Like'? A 'rogue like' where you press tiles to open them.

Wikipedia has a wider set of defining characteristics for Roguelike, the broad description is:

Wikipedia said:
Roguelike is a sub-genre of role-playing video games, characterized by procedural level generation, tile-based graphics and permanent death, and typically based on a high fantasy narrative setting
This game has RPG elements and procedural level generation although I'm sure I read elsewhere that permadeath is optional or limited to a particular difficulty settings.

That animated gif doesn't look anything rogue-like at all.
That's why it's cross-genre. I.e. it takes some defining elements one genre, or in this case a RPG sub-genre, and mixes them with others.
The FTL developers coined the term Roguelike-like to describe that game. Galak-Z probably falls under that term more accurately, and is only one of a ton of games in various genres playing with elements of randomness and permadeath. So FTL applied those elements to starship management, Spelunky did the same to a 2D platformer and Galak-Z is doing similar things in a top-down space shooter. None are literal Roguelikes, but they are playing with some of the same mechanics.
Okay, so 'Rogue-like' means procedural level creation and permadeath, the objective being to survive as long as you can. As long as I understand what the term means, I can apply it to understanding its use!
One thing I'm not quite digging are some of the art style choices. I mean, from the colorful explosions down to the menu in all its color bleeding, VCR-tracking glory, they've mostly nailed the 70s/80s anime aesthetic. But then they resorted to awful looking flash-like animations to draw a bunch of uninspired looking characters that look nothing like anime and more like something the guys who made Shank tossed away. Compared to the rest of the game, that stuff looks a bit like placeholder art.
I want a space exploration game unill NMSky hits :cry: ! I remember there was this really well written funny space truckers kindof game on iOS loooong back which had you exploring space, upgrading, etc etc all paired with Hitchiker's Guide to the galaxy kindof humour(not quite). Don't remember the name anymore :( ....I want a space game, this might be too fast paced for my fingers!