dizietsma said:
I'd agree with this Pete except that gamers do have the option of putting up the screen resolution instead ( I am assuming they have a good enough monitor ). Indeed, Futuremark themselves have put the default screen resolution up and yet again left out AA in the standard test.
And I'm assuming that all current cards can just as easily, if not moreso, use AA rather than bump the res. Seems to me FM settled on 12x10 and not 12x9 or even 720p b/c the first matches with the most common LCD res. LCD uses would likely prefer AA to higher res, just like CRT users might prefer 2xAA rather than a notch higher res with no AA.
the issue here is that people think the scoring is not fair for none standard tests.
I don't know, I think HDR is becoming more standard, so why not the option to use AA with it? And if one can't, why not let that be reflected in the score--a score, rather than N/A? I'm going to completely read FM's whitepaper and reviewer's guide before I mouth off anymore, tho, to be fair to Nick & Co. (better late than never).
To me this is a bit strange because for the last few months/years this forum has tended to pour scorn on Futuremarks bench, it's scoring and the use the IHV's use the scores to sell cards and that anybody who buys a card based on this is tending towards being a bit daft. But now it seems this is the upmost importance.
| I put on my green tinged pro futuremark hat |
And why is this ? because ATi is not favoured.
Well, that's one way to look at it, and quite a few ppl consider B3D ATI's last bastion of hope/hype. But you could argue that 3DM03 and 05 were partially tilted toward ATI. NV cheated on the first with the FX vs. ATI's 9-series, but they didn't need to do so (detectably) with the 6-series, whose shader power outgunned the X-series. And tho 05 had the DST and PCF brouhaha, its vertex setup limitation seemed to help ATI in relation to its weaker pixel shaders (see X1600 up with the 256-bit big boys, but falling behind on most games).
Remember that poor bloke from Anandtech that came over here and went grey haired before he had to leave saying he had better things to do
Well, to be fair, I haven't seen Derek in Ars' or even AT's forums in quite some time.

Unfortunately, ppl get vocal everywhere, and ultimately his time is better spent reviewing than arguing (see Brent). That's not to say he can't just read the forums, disregard most posts, and maybe pick up a tip or two.
N00b said:
Is there any site that has 3DMark06 feature tests scores for the 1800XT and the 7800 GTX (512)? Or a comparisson with hardware shadow mapping disabled?
Damien took care of the former for you. Check out Hanners' EB article for the latter. (I referenced his #s a page or three back: 25 and 17% hit on a GF6 and GF7, respectively).
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Wait, 06 goes back to no AF by default? Didn't 05 and maybe even 03 use 4xAF? Has FM given a reason for this (e.g., too many texture accesses otherwise, most games start with 1xAF, etc.)?