Fun quiz



I got 25 out of 100 but Im happy about that lol... still I got one austrian and 3 chicago school answer out of the 25 and the rest are keynesian\historical... Like anyone I just pick and choose what I find makes sense and I dont feel tied down to ideology...
Waaay to long quiz to bother ... :)

25/100 is what you would get on average if you clicked randomly since there are four alternatives for each question. I just ran through it clicked randomly without reading any questions, and I got 36/100. :)
Oh I wasnt picking random... Ya its a bit long but I like the descriptions given. I just dont agree wit being 'austrian' hhe...
I wasn't implying that you did, just commenting on that you were happy about your 25/100 score. :)
Normally a perfect score for me would have been 0\100 ;)... But there are indeed things I agree with the other schools of thought.

I answered #9 #22 and #25 chicago and #24 Austrian.
93/100 :oops:

pax, where did you find this quiz? I used to read that site years ago, but Rockwell's de Torquemada antics within the libertarian/Austrian economics community gradually turned me off.
Objection, leading.

I took the short test and scored 49. I can only agree with their observations on money and how it's artificial mode of creation drives cycles. Every question where morals enter into it I tend to differ.