if next gen consoles come up with good mouse keyboard replacement, PC-gaming is standing left foot in the grave. PC-gaming won't die (heck, I play even with Commodore 64 in monthly basis.), but it will shrink to very special genres and small games. (in fact where it originally came from.)
With just price of graphics card, you get system that will 99.999% sure run all games as it is ment to be during it's lifetime with full detail and without any worry about need of upgrades / updates. For freaks that needs better resolutions than SDTV, there's HDTV. For game developers there's much better sold / warez games ratio.
so, Why to stay in sinking ship?
and then, about game controllers... I started with Digital ATARI/CBM/SEGA standard joystick (TAC-2 and Competition Pro IV to be exact.) and I hated keyboard back then as controller. When Commodore was left behind and I moved to PC, I was actually scared if I would learn to play with keyboard... ...it took as long as 2 evenings and I am still using keyboard.
Again, I am not 100% comfortable with pad, but that won't prevent me buying a console if that time comes. If that means I have to learn to play with different controller, then I will do it. (in fact I was already about to buy GC, but my old promise not to buy any Nintendo stuff untill they give apologies about what they did to Giana Sisters prevented me.
I also remember the times when AMIGA users were stating that there's no way making fast and good platformer for PC and that would keep AMIGA alive... ...well, basically first Jazz The JackRabbit proved point 1 to be incorrect and after that platformers as well as AMIGA died.
IMO, we are watching a change here... only time shows if consoles get keyboard + mouse replacement. Fact is that PC releases in gaming frontier are more and more just conversions from consoles and not vice versa like it used to be.