For the trekkie geek we have....


Passenger on Serenity
the ultimate Star Trek Collection:

And it will only set you back 2,499.99.

ps does not include animated series as its not on dvd.
I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, but this collection looks like it would be fun to own. It's just the price that makes you think twice...then thrice...then stop thinking altogether and just go :oops:
While I'm a fairly dedicated Trekhead (I've even written my own fanfic), I believe the complete Babylon5 box set for £149 represents slightly better value for money... :D I mean, OMG!
Insane price for an insane collection!
Guden Oden said:
While I'm a fairly dedicated Trekhead (I've even written my own fanfic), I believe the complete Babylon5 box set for £149 represents slightly better value for money... :D I mean, OMG!
That and B5's season 3 alone has more story and character development than all 5 Trek shows put together. :p
Guden Oden said:
While I'm a fairly dedicated Trekhead (I've even written my own fanfic), I believe the complete Babylon5 box set for £149 represents slightly better value for money... :D I mean, OMG!
:oops: So THATS who writes all that slash .
Gollum said:
Insane price for an insane collection!

That and B5's season 3 alone has more story and character development than all 5 Trek shows put together. :p

Speaking of which, my copy of B5 Season 5 arrived today! I'd been waiting for them to drop the price and it recently plummeted from £54 to £17 pounds :)
RussSchultz said:
:oops: So THATS who writes all that slash .
Haha, no... Slash is something I stay far away from. Besides, slash writers are mostly women I hear, and I did MSN-chat for like two years with a finnish girl in university who wrote eminem slash and buffy slash. Homosexual slash too, of course. :LOL: That's too scary for me.
Sage used to link me to SG1 homo-erotic fanfiction! :LOL:

I quite enjoyed it, too! It sounds like they cut a lot of shower scenes out where Jack and Daniel got to display their 'acting prowess'. :D
PenguinJim said:
Sage used to link me to SG1 homo-erotic fanfiction!

I quite enjoyed it, too! It sounds like they cut a lot of shower scenes out where Jack and Daniel got to display their 'acting prowess'.

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............ i liked SG-1. dont do this ;)

Sage you say? the one that is in all girl colledge?...... i guess he is lonely then :devilish::devilish::devilish:
Even much of the gay slash (and, heck, I thot all the slash was gay, actually) seems to be written by middle-aged white women. There's got to be something there, sociologically. :LOL: Not getting enuf romance from their man, and taking it out in a way that can't be seen as fantazing about cheating on him?

Tho even Joss was making Angel/Spike riffs in the final season commentaries of Angel. It was hilarious.
Simon F said:
Speaking of which, my copy of B5 Season 5 arrived today! I'd been waiting for them to drop the price and it recently plummeted from £54 to £17 pounds :)
Where? The most I can pay for inported DVDs is £17.80 (excl VAT and postage else customs declaration charges and local VAT makes it no chaper than buying locally), and the cheapest I've ever seen is £17.99. If the B5 boxed sets could sneak under the magic limit I'd be more than happy.
Zaphod said:
Where? The most I can pay for inported DVDs is £17.80 (excl VAT and postage else customs declaration charges and local VAT makes it no chaper than buying locally), and the cheapest I've ever seen is £17.99. If the B5 boxed sets could sneak under the magic limit I'd be more than happy.
Sorry, I rounded down. It is 17.99 for the set (although some of the others are lower). They're from
Simon F said:
Sorry, I rounded down. It is 17.99 for the set (although some of the others are lower). They're from
*gumble* Thanks anyaway. I've seen them having that offer several times over the last year. I'm guessing they ship all their sub-£18 items from Jersey as everyone else, so no VAT deduction for non UK folks from them. I guess I'll just have to wait for the pound to weaken some more to get the UK VAT limit under ours... ;) Just ordered Battlestar Galactica Season 1 instead. £15.30 shipped wasn't too bad for that (considering the R2/4 set is neutered compared to R1 and have an outrageous RRP in Europe).