Joe DeFuria
Thought this deserved it's own thread...
It's about time.
Now even Simon should be able to fold!
/18/2004 New reference machine for FAH points determination (UPDATED 5pm Pacific Time)
We have rolled out our new points determination system. The advantages are:
There will be much more standardization for points and deadlines.
The points and deadlines will be determined on a more modern machine (2.8GHz P4), although they will be scaled to match current Gromacs projects.
What is the upshot of all of this? Put simply, Tinker WU points are about to go way up, Gromacs will be mostly the same, and there will be less fluctuation between projects. All currently running projects will be re-evaluated and all new WUs received will benefit from this change.
It's about time.
Now even Simon should be able to fold!