float3 theBaron = float3(119, 185, 0);

Congratulations Tim.

Nice to see people actually achieve something in their lives.

Just one question.. is the pay at nV better than at B3D?
Good luck.

Didn't The Baron used to be an old time nvnews junkie before there was some fall out between them?

Probably in FX days or yore I would say if true.
If you could join a company involved in graphics who would it be?

Software, hardware, reporting, selling, who would you most like to join?

I'd most like to join John Romero with a new killer game that would once again allow him to say you were "his bitches" whilst actually being true.

Either that or being the equivalent of macci at nvidia.
For the record, I was making what I thought was a humorous observation and did not mean to derail the thread/insult anyone's ancestors.
Don't be sad, I'm sure they hired "Tim Murray" and not "The Baron". :)
Wait, you're telling me that B3D is now horribly biased towards / a spy for / has a mole inside both NV and ATI?! :runaway:
It seems pretty obvious to me that B3D is the innocent-looking facade of a Machiavellian scheme to take over the 3D graphics world. :devilish:

I'd imagine the organisation is called by some strange acronym with similarly bizarre codenames for the principle agents. I mean, "The Baron", is just too much of a giveaway surely?

And Dimension3D was so innocent at the start as well...
I'd imagine the organisation is called by some strange acronym with similarly bizarre codenames for the principle agents. I mean, "The Baron", is just too much of a giveaway surely?

sssshhhtt.. lest the one they refer to as "He" hear you...