Logan Leonhart said:
Pfft, I know that. However, the only titles that made it were FFIV and FFVI (How can THIS one be almost the fan favorite, I don´t know). I really don´t understand why people prefer little sprites that resort jumping and spinning due to a complete lack of experession (coupled with badly written dialogue) to a cinema that hosts high poligon characters, with a much better translated dialogue, coupled with facial expressions. The power of nostalgia...
You make it sound like Ted Woolsey did a poor job translating FFVI. Have you even PLAYED the game? It's probably one of the best official translations ever. I played through (most of) the game again recently, how does nostalgia factor in? The dialogue is fantastic in FFVI. And if you think the graphics are bad, you need a head check. Besides that, FFVI didn't have jumping and spinning characters for the most part. Characters DID show expressions... embarrassment, surprise, laughter... granted it wasn't in 15,267,250*8,251,885 resolution with perfect Phong shading, several pixel shaders, ray tracing, and 1,724,834,551,002 sample anti-aliasing, but WHO THE HELL CARES? It gets the job done.
And if you truly think that about FFVIII, what a stupid position you´re holding there, seriously. FFVIII is a beautifull game, with the most complex and flexible battle system that has ever appeared in the series, and features a rich love story told through deep characters, not to mention the amazing graphics and excellent music.
Uh... complex and flexible battle system? Flexible? What? I can attach three commands at a time to my character, and have 100 charges MAX per spell? Magic being horribly useless in that game anyway, aside from Aura. GFs being
SEVERELY broken, as well. Complex? Um, what? It's the same as the four FF games that preceded it! And yet it ends up being MORE abusive (Limit Breaks - let's just keep hitting Triangle until we hear a 'ding' huh?) and MORE broken.
Deep characters? If you say so, the only character depth I could discern was Irvine breaking down when he had to shoot Edea, other than that Squall was a total asshole, Rinoa was very overenthusiastic, Zell was just plain hyper and hot-headed, Selphie is insane, and Quistis is just a little bit stuck-up. In battle, the sole distinction between any of the characters, really, is their Limit Breaks - with Junctioning, you can max out any stats you want with ludicrous ease, completely eliminating innate deficits (like Rinoa's base attack power).
Amazing graphics, duh, that's pretty much all they worked on the whole game. Music? I own FFVI and VII's soundtracks. I never considered buying FFVIII's. The music, while moderately cool sometimes, just isn't worth listening to much. And 'Eyes on Me' was annoying IMO.
Oh, then we have the awful, awful abuse of prerendered FMV. My GOD you can barely play 20 minutes without another FMV cutting in. The first part of the game, for example, has an FMV when you leave Balamb Garden for the first time - all it does is pan up to show you the Garden. Big fucking deal! It serves no purpose! And that continues throughout the game - useless filler FMV after useless filler FMV. Maybe 5/8 FMV's could have been removed with no ill effects.
And isn´t it ironic that 90% of the people that hate FFVIII or FF games alltogether happen to be Nintendo fans or Xbox fans? Another tune they would be singing if it was an exclusive of their respective consoles..
Uh, ok... I never had anything against PSX, just PS2. FFVII and FFIX were great... just FFVIII was utter garbage. It wasn't even fun to play, it was just DRAW, DRAW, DRAW, DRAW, DRAW... OK, done, SUMMON GF. Next battle. DRAW, DRAW, DRAW.. done, SUMMON GF. Boss! GF, GF, GF, GF, GF, GF, done. FMV!