Blitzball/Sin's attack
Blitzball/Sin's attack/Anima
Rescue from wedding
Love scene
Sheesh, that list is seriously lacking
Lets see, *roughly remembering*
Simon's anima summon during the bliztball match
The flying dragon attacking the airship
Sin's appearance in the first 10 mins of the game where tidus gets sucks up
Sin's appearance on the beach attack
Sin after the beach attack
Sin's appearance for the last battle
The airship's escape of that al bhed town
etc. FFX has lots of both realtime cutscenes aswell as FMV, personally i didnt mind either, wether its fmv or real-time, who the fuck cares? Its telling a story, you cant play it either way, and i felt that there was plenty of action in FFX. One of my favorite FF.
About the FMVs, if i remember, wasnt there an auditorium at luca city (or whatever the name where there's the bliztball stadium) where you can see all the scenes IF you pay? I cant verify since i dont own FFX anymore, sold it
Sorta starting to regret it now, its an amazing game.
Im anticipating FFCC with great hopes though, just because its Final fantasy adventure. A little story to peoples who keep saying that its secret of mana
Its not the first time that square does this. Final fantasy adventure on the gameboy is actually the first seiken densetsu like it was named in japan, seiken densetsu = secret of mana, while secret of mana on the SNES was seiken densetsu 2 and seiken densetsu 3 was never released in the US (awesome game though if you can play the rom, its translated)
So basicly, FFCC being very very similar to secret of mana is not just by chance if you ask me.. In fact, i wouldnt be surprised if the project was originaly a secret of mana game, except maybe nintendo when funding the studio wanted the FF brand name cause it sells. So square most likely added the typical FF stuffs into the game like chocobos, caith siths, etc.