Favorite youtube video

Instead of eradicating mosquitoes - which would impact the ecosystem negatively in other ways - we need better malaria treatments for humans. Like, a proper vaccine for example.
Well, a vaccine isn't really that likely to be effective, as malaria is a parasite, as opposed to a virus. Yes, some vaccines do work on organisms other than viruses, but they typically aren't nearly as effective.

Anyway, I don't think there's much reason to believe that significantly reducing the numbers of parasites like mosquitoes has much of a negative impact on the environment directly (though the particular means to reduce the parasites, such as pesticides, may). Regardless, a machine like this wouldn't make a whole lot of difference to mosquito populations anyway. It would reduce the population in the vicinity of the machine, of course, but as long as they have breeding grounds, their numbers will remain quite large.

Most effective means of reducing mosquito populations aim at reducing their breeding grounds. Incidentally, one of the first indications of the housing crisis was an increase in mosquito-borne illness: as people left their homes untended, it left many pools, ponds, and other such breeding grounds untended, and thus ready for the mosquitoes to capitalize on.
Doesn't really make sense to dogfight with a laser ... put a miniature pneumatic machine gun on it instead, give the mosquito a fighting chance.
Too short, but sweet

and meet the crashes (neatly sound montage of team fortress 2 sound fx and one liners quite funny!)
You know, I'm not even gonna watch that. Pimply, extremely obese teenager with bizarre expression nerdraging over games console not working for ONE stinking day = too pathetic for my stomach.

I know grown-ups have been saying today's youth is no good since the times of Plato, but this generation it's absolutely true.
I don't see anything funny about it, nor understand why anyone would. But then again, voluntarily making an ass out of yourself on youtube's all the rage these days, so I guess that explains it.

Now, this is actual humor:

A deleted scene from the original "Alien." Probably one of the most important scenes regarding the Xenomorph's life cycle. I have no idea why it was deleted. It shows the cocooning process.
(game spoilers ahead)

Quake4 playthrough with German accent. :)
[YT]GPq1-r_iY5g[/YT] frightening fight
[YT]YAeQ8i9UydI[/YT] Stroggification
[YT]T_CM9VtPMII[/YT] high fall

aand System Shock
Joey's System Shock commentary part 48, wtf?

I assume that isn't even the final part.

Who would watch 48 parts of some random guy off the interwebs commenting a game? GO PLAY THE GAME INSTEAD! :LOL: