Favorite youtube video

I too simply love old hindi songs, I posted that JWM song keeping in mind the demography here.:smile:
Eh... this thread is supposed to be about our own favorites. If I post something and other people have no frame of reference or they don't understand the depth, complexity, bhavam or manodharmam of the content purveyed, then it's hardly my fault. Unshackle yourself from courtesy to the unknowing lowlives :LOL:...

[P.S. I have zero technical knowledge about Raga and Tala]
Ah. Poor soul. :D
Keeping in line with what I was saying earlier, while I know no one here will ever grasp the full extent of genius in these displays, they're still among my favorites, and that's all that matters. (note:the first two are two parts of a single piece)...
Total Recallin'


This video is so incredibly lame, yet for some reason I can't stop watching it. And the last 5 seconds make absolutely NO sense. Arnold's acting is so over the top, this video just emphasizes it. Greatly.

Thanks SMM. Though I am not really into hardcore classical music, maybe later as I age..I'll begin to like it more. I am currently mostly into filmy music with preferance towards old songs.

Another of my favs...Royal Bengal Tiger making a lightening attack at a mahout sitting on elephant...astonishing speed and jump.:oops:

Benny Lava was such an inspiration I had to shoot a 60FPS copy of that amazing intro. It made me feel awesome :p
