F1 new track in Istanbul


i have a monster
you can check out here





I like the idea of tarmac extended on certain corners allowing drivers to recover from errors without being embedded in sand traps or spinning on grass. The best example was in Bahrain and the show put on by Pedro de la Rosa.
At least it has a little bit of camber and elavation change, although the layout is a little too tight for my liking. For example, the open hairpin after the quadruple right-hander at the back of the circuit - nobody is going to be coming into that corner really quickly, so the potential for some frantic out-braking has been lost a bit. Also the S-bends appear too slow; it'll be single line all the way through that sequence of corners until the grandstands. Lastly I don't like the little left-right kink after the long straight - kind of spoils the entry into that decreasing radius right-hander.
I too wish there was more elevation and gradient in the track. It does seem to be quite a slow track and I bet it will not be forgiving on the brakes or gearbox.
Neeyik said:
At least it has a little bit of camber and elavation change, although the layout is a little too tight for my liking. For example, the open hairpin after the quadruple right-hander at the back of the circuit - nobody is going to be coming into that corner really quickly, so the potential for some frantic out-braking has been lost a bit. Also the S-bends appear too slow; it'll be single line all the way through that sequence of corners until the grandstands. Lastly I don't like the little left-right kink after the long straight - kind of spoils the entry into that decreasing radius right-hander.

Heh, the only way your post make any sense is if you're going the wrong way around... ;)

The circuit is run counter-clockwise!
Oh gosh, y'all are coalescing an F1 community here, aren't you? :) I can already see the forum wedged between Folding and the arm-wavers in Religion, etc. Or maybe Wavey could just tack F1 on to that one? :LOL: