Extra Fans and temperature query.


Does adding just one extra fan to your case really make a difference to the temp? Or is it like using a pipette (sp)to put out a fire?

Also stupid question (to those who are wise in the ways of PC's) but does an increase in temp really make a big difference to performance?

I'm not talking stupid increase but maybe a few degrees etc.

So then, at what point do you start thinking "better get some more fans etc?" How would I know apart from givaway signals ie fire, smoke, severe lag etc
Depends on the circumstances. I built a new PC which was slightly unstable, which transpired to be because I'd set it up with a lot of top-half airflow but no bottom-half airflow so the graphics card was choking a bit.

A low RPM silent fan on the case front bottom and it's been rock-solid ever since without getting any noisier.

For me, heat is nothing about performance, but stability and component life. For example, I tend to mount my harddrives directly behind fans or inlets nowadays. It seems to help reliability, although the sample size is rather small.

If the machine's rock-solid stable then I don't worry about it. First rule of computers: if it's working, don't fix it. (Actually, that's the second rule, behind "If it's not backed up, it's not important"). Screw the box shut and don't open it unless it goes wrong, life's too short to spend all your time inside the bloody things :D.
What Dio said. Extra fans can help if you install them properly to increase overall air flow, but just sticking 'em in anywhere doesn't generally do much.

I went thru an overfanning phase, I ended up cutting up a 12" boxfan and putting it on the side of my 'puter. :oops: