External Storage..

I really want to have a backup of some of my "big" files.

I haven´t checked so much around and so i ask you guys/gals if there´s any good external storage that uses USB2 and can store app 20 gigs??

I vill use it as a backup if "god forgive" vill have to reformate my hard drive. ;)

Btw: excuse me for my bad spelling.
Create a partition and dump your needed application setup files there.

Other than that there are USB 2.0 HDD's (I think) and Firewire Drives... other than that... DVD +R +RW / DVD -R -RW drives are available.
Yeas but i just want to plug in a cable in a USB2 port and then get the info over to the external..

They are getting pretty cheap this temp storage drives i think and i first will have some important files in this ex-drive untill my harddrive is full..hmm about 40 gigs left but i anyway want a backup on some certain files...
I've used a USB drive and they're horribly slow. I would stay far away from those. Go with a removeable drive bay. They're cheap and upgrades are a harddrive away.
Saem said:
I've used a USB drive and they're horribly slow. I would stay far away from those. Go with a removeable drive bay. They're cheap and upgrades are a harddrive away.
I'd have to disagree.
USB 1/1.1 drives ARE slow.
The latest Maxtor Firewire/USB 2 drives are quite fast, in both modes.

Honestly, at 400/480Mbits (50/60 MB/sec) the media connection is faster than your drive can sustain a transfer anyways.
OK, can you come with a suggestion, i have heard that USB2 is fast enough so what can you guys rec..

Yeahh i live in Sweden ;)
Yes, those are fast but it's not always easy finding usb2 machines. I was using them at work once, so it sucked.
Althornin Posted
Saem wrote:
I've used a USB drive and they're horribly slow. I would stay far away from those. Go with a removeable drive bay. They're cheap and upgrades are a harddrive away.

I'd have to disagree.
USB 1/1.1 drives ARE slow.
The latest Maxtor Firewire/USB 2 drives are quite fast, in both modes.

Honestly, at 400/480Mbits (50/60 MB/sec) the media connection is faster than your drive can sustain a transfer anyways.

Can you recommend any you know are good?
I've got a removable IDE drive, but I've found that I don't use it as often as I would like to. I meant it to be a "static file depository" for files that I want to survive a crash. But I realized that I'm too lazy to restart the computer to put it in and out. So I'm also looking for a hot-pluggable replacement.

If you look at www.datorbutiken.com/se under Kabinett->USB, you'll find an external USB2.0 box for 760SEK that you can put a 3.5" IDE HD in. I don't know how good it is, but it seems like a cheaper solution than a dedicated USB/firewire HD. I hope I'm right that it would result in a hot-pluggable HD.
Tack för jag letade just på Datorbutiken men hittade inget, letade under fel rubrik så klart.. :D

Translation not of ANY interest to anyone. :LOL: