EVGA 8800 GTS 320MB Superclocked: Reviewed!


Hey guy's first I did not know where to post this over here. I hope this is right. If not can someone move it for me. (Ratch?) And now.......
I did my first ever review over at Rage3D of the new eVGA GTS 320MB card the other day. I figured I would link to it here if thats OK. I'm kind of happy with it, and would like to see what you guys think. I like to think of it as a Normal guy on a normal PC kinda review. No high end CPU and RAM, just normal mid-low end stuff that I'll bet most people have. So here it is....


OK I have had this card for a few days now and thought I would put some of my thoughts down in here for you guys to read.

First of all comparing this card with my BFG 8800GTS 640MB is really a none issue for me. As I have at best a budget CPU and I am locked in at 1680x1050. From all I have seen so far this 320MB card that is $100 less performs every bit as good as the 640MB card does. So lets face it, if your on a budget a $300 eVGA 8800GTS just can not be beat. Especially when you factor in eVGA's 24/7 tech support and lifetime warrenty.....and then the real kicker the STEP UP PROGRAM. And with rumors of the 8900's right around the corner I would say getting a 8800 from eVGA now could very well be a win/win.

And speaking of eVGA's customer service. Not ever having dealt with them myself all I have to go on is what I have heard around the net. And from what I have heard they are just the cream of the crop. And their RMA service is top notch.