Ever fire someone?


Passenger on Serenity
Looks like im going to have to fire 2 people this week. First time ive had to do something like that. Anyone else do have to do it? Tips?

Are you firing them because you can't afford to keep them on or are you firing them for not doing their job properly or other transgressions? It's important to know when dealing with a situation like this. Either way I don't envy you :(
In Office Space they said to fire people on Fridays because there is less chance of something going wrong.
nope but, I've wanted to... just im not the person that gets to do that stuff (yet)
Diplo said:
Are you firing them because you can't afford to keep them on or are you firing them for not doing their job properly or other transgressions? It's important to know when dealing with a situation like this. Either way I don't envy you :(
Both. They arent doing the job as well as they should. We just bought a new motel 2 or so weeks ago, and the old owners didnt expect much from them. Now that we own it, we have been improving their cleaning skills, but they are too expensive for how much they earn. Arg, have to decide who to fire and and how many to let them go. Sigh.

epicstruggle said:
Both. They arent doing the job as well as they should. We just bought a new motel 2 or so weeks ago, and the old owners didnt expect much from them. Now that we own it, we have been improving their cleaning skills, but they are too expensive for how much they earn. Arg, have to decide who to fire and and how many to let them go. Sigh.


Have you or your father sat them down and said, "This is what we expect from our employees?" Sounds to me that the old owner simply paid them more than what your family is willing to or you'd at least give them the chance to meet their new employer's expectations. Two weeks isn't exactly a long time.
Cleaning staff are like old rags anyway, when they've been wrung out enough times you just toss them away. Isn't that how it works in a market economy? :devilish:
Yep. For performance. Eased another out (he saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship first before the inevitable).

Not fun. From your description tho, you might be in for some hurt. Two weeks is pretty short. How many warnings have you given, and are they documented (i.e. were they in writing)? If you're letting someone go for performance, you better document and be able to show you gave ample opportunity to improve performance and the standards expected.

Of course, if you're just downsizing, the standards aren't as high, but you still may have issues in showing why you kept who you kept rather than the ones you let go.
when we took over, we had all the employees sign a 60 day probation period. So we can basically drop anyone without showing cause. I have told every employee that they need to improve how clean their rooms are supposed to be, and that they cant smoke, drink, and watch tv while doing their shift, which they have been doing for the last several years. Even so their old habits dont seem to be dying quick enough.

@sage: this is my first one, and its located in detroit. My dad has hotels/motels in detroit, chicago, lansing, and lima (ohio).

Guden Oden said:
For this post, someone gave me negative rep for "over-politicizing", sheesh. I swear, some people have no sense of humor...

Here's a :rolleyes: for you, anonymous person. Go lighten up a bit will ya! :D
Guden Oden said:
For this post, someone gave me negative rep for "over-politicizing", sheesh. I swear, some people have no sense of humor...

Here's a :rolleyes: for you, anonymous person. Go lighten up a bit will ya! :D
Oh whatever.
maybe whoever it is is just tired of it, like I am.
You don't have to inject your glaringly obvious political thoughts into every damn discussion.
And a stupid emoticon doesn't make it ok, either.
Sigh, my first firing. Kinda just happened, the housekeeper messed up what she was supposed to do, i told to go home and come back tomorrow night. She starts talking back, about how im treating her like a little girl, and she keeps digging herself a bigger hole, until finally i just fire her. Then comes the tears, and the begging, coming from someone close to 60 it almost worked. I held strong and just told her to take her check and go. Not pleasant at all.

epicstruggle said:
Sigh, my first firing. Kinda just happened, the housekeeper messed up what she was supposed to do, i told to go home and come back tomorrow night. She starts talking back, about how im treating her like a little girl, and she keeps digging herself a bigger hole, until finally i just fire her. Then comes the tears, and the begging, coming from someone close to 60 it almost worked. I held strong and just told her to take her check and go. Not pleasant at all.


so as a manager you managed to make a situation into a confrontational issue? wouldnt like you to be my boss!
also amazed that by buying a company like that there are no regulations on continuation of employment.. oh hum, lesson-1 , dont be a cleaner......
Amazing that you can get away with putting employees on probation when you take over a place like that. Do employees have any protection at all?

Well, congratulations on putting someone close to retirement out of work.
Give them a lecture, then an earfull of complaining and then tell them nicely and calmly not to come back to work ever again.
Florin said:
Amazing that you can get away with putting employees on probation when you take over a place like that. Do employees have any protection at all?

Well, congratulations on putting someone close to retirement out of work.

I am sure epic had his reasons, after all you cant have those lazy americans around doing nothing.....:devilish:
The American people have the right to be lazy.
We have democratically elected doll bludgers to help us keep our jobs.

silence said:
I am sure epic had his reasons, after all you cant have those lazy americans around doing nothing.....:devilish:
It's almost amusing reading the heated replies from people, supporting the sacked employee. Why amusing? Because I would bet money that were their roles reversed, and it was their business with employees not pulling their weight, they would let them go too. That is, unless, they've got no business sense at all and deem it perfectly acceptable to let somebody carry on doing their job incorrectly, even though they (a) have been told what is expected of them and (b) their contract stipulates they can be dropped pronto.

Before anyone starts to have a go at me, I've been a cleaner myself - I spent 3 years working for various cleaning agencies when I did my first degree. Yes the pay wasn't brilliant but it's not a hard job; demeaning perhaps but not particularly taxing. There are also plenty of cleaning jobs out there, so it's not exactly the end of the world to lose one. Mind you, it might be if you have to explain to your next future employer that your previous contract was closed because you couldn't or wouldn't do the job correctly.
You should come to Australia and take a look at the minimum conditions employers need to keep just to keep the employees happy.

If the high standards of the work environment aren't met, the unions call a strike and the businesses lose god-like amounts of money.
This is why we have a employer vs employee environment.
No one is happy, and the unions have the power.

This however is about to change.