Evaluating different SONY strategies to fight XBOX360...

to opposit xbox360 this christmas, sony will

  • 1) do nothing.

    Votes: 37 56.9%
  • 2) decrease PS2 price.

    Votes: 28 43.1%

  • Total voters
3roxor said:
But if sony drops the price of the PS2 it could turn out they are just competing with themselves ..if it means people buying it won't buy the PS3 for a while and maybe go fir the revolution instead.

They're making profits off PS2's so they don't care. They know people will start buying PS3's and slowly PS2 will stop selling.
I think you have to look at it from another point of view. PS2 sales will provide Sony with profits that they need to recoup the losses they'll be making on each PS3 sold.
london-boy said:
They're making profits off PS2's so they don't care. They know people will start buying PS3's and slowly PS2 will stop selling.
I think you have to look at it from another point of view. PS2 sales will provide Sony with profits that they need to recoup the losses they'll be making on each PS3 sold.

I totally agree with you...
yeah I agree too. PS2 at $150 through the holidays is partially funding losses on PS3.

People always seem to overlook this crossover and how it will factor into PS3 pricing.
seismologist said:
yeah I agree too. PS2 at $150 through the holidays is partially funding losses on PS3.

People always seem to overlook this crossover and how it will factor into PS3 pricing.

Thank you GOD! Hallelujah thank you Jesus *does the african rain dance in happiness*

I'm glad some people are finally understanding. Just like how UMD sales are funding the PSP's losses. All these things connect.
mckmas8808 said:
Oh trust me it's a big revelation. It's not as obvious as it seems.

Actually it really is. Only some people just decide not to "understand" it cause it fits their view that one company is/should be teh d00m3d.
why would sony want to move hardware this late in the game. hardware isn't profitable. the installed base of ps2 is high enough where they'll make a killing on software sales this giftmas. dropping the price of the ps2 might sell more ps2's, but it's not going to stop sales of 360's this holiday. and it'll hurt sony's bottom line because they aren't making as much (or loosing more) per hardware sold.
see colon said:
why would sony want to move hardware this late in the game. hardware isn't profitable. the installed base of ps2 is high enough where they'll make a killing on software sales this giftmas. dropping the price of the ps2 might sell more ps2's, but it's not going to stop sales of 360's this holiday. and it'll hurt sony's bottom line because they aren't making as much (or loosing more) per hardware sold.

Sony makes money on PS2-hardware these days no doubt about it. And with each new PS2-owner the profits from licensing games increases even further. This holiday sesason I think Sony has more to worry about people holding out for the next Playstation than already pre-ordered and sold out 360's.
If they launch KZ (PS3) against Halo3, that would an interesting battle. ;)

OT: Does anyone know if KZ2 is still coming out for PS2? I hope they cancel it and instead devote their energies to PS3 as they have a lot to answer.
I've never seen people so hyped up about a sequal to a crappy game. I don't think the guys behind Killzone can hold a candle to Bungie, they have alot to prove, like first make an actual good game.

Killzone 1 got a 6.9 from gamespot! And we're looking forward to this game why? Cause of a CGI movie? Come on now...
was killzone that bad? i never played it because i don't like playing FPS without a mouse/kb, but according to gamespot it scored less than turok evolution. that i did play, and it reminded me that i hated playing FPS without a mouse/KB, and that console FPS in general were crap, even looking past the controlls.
scooby_dooby said:
2 words: wake up!

And smell what?:LOL: Fact is neither one of us know how this game will play or look. It would be kinda like me telling you to wake up and realize you shouldn't be hyped for Mass Effect.

U dig?
Well if we arent going to take any past performance into account for anything, why do people care about 'franchises' or "developer X's next game"? I think it counts for something.
mckmas8808 said:
And smell what?:LOL: Fact is neither one of us know how this game will play or look. It would be kinda like me telling you to wake up and realize you shouldn't be hyped for Mass Effect.

U dig?

No I don't dig. Here's why: Bioware.

My point was this developer has never released a good game, in fact there last game was crap! All you've seen is a CGI movie, and you get all worked up?

This so why Sony is so effective with their CGI crap. For some reason people are unable to be logical, and think things through, when shown an "OMG that's amazing" CGI clip.

The logical thing to think in that situation is "Looks good but it's just CGI, and this developer has never made any great games. It looks good but I'm still skeptical"

What most people think "WOW Killzone is so amazing, did you see those GFX!!?! I bet thsi game is gonna be soooooo cool!"

They aren't rationale, they don't think "Hmm, is this developer actually any good?" or "Well they can do anything with CGI", it's like all sound reasoning goes out the window when you show people a pretty video.

I ahte to break it to you, but Killzone will probably not be a great game. Based on the developers history, there's no reason to be optimistic. You'll do yourself a favour to be hyped about GT5, MGS4 or FF13, don't hold your breathe for a great game in Killzone 2.
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scooby_dooby said:
I ahte to break it to you, but Killzone will probably not be a great game. Based on the developers history, there's no reason to be optimistic. You'll do yourself a favour to be hyped about GT5, MGS4 or FF13, don't hold your breathe for a great game in Killzone 2.

Wasn't Bungie an unknown entity (what games did they make) but Halo was hyped like anything. KZ (PS2) did show the promise though implementation left a lot desired. The story/atmosphere was impressive but technical issues casued its downfall. It still has the potential IMO.

KZ can be compared to Brute Force, both showed promise and were hyped but end result was below expectation. That does not mean we should not be excited about next BF/KZ.
Bungie had made a couple (what I know) of well respected, though maybe not commercially so succesful (because they were for Apple computers?) games before Halo.
The "Marathon" is the one game I remember. I haven't ever played it, but I remember it getting great reviews.
marathon was good. the series peaked at marathon 2 for me, but marathon infinety was cool because it had mod tools. the game was kind of like system shock.

bunjie had some stinkers, though. they made a tomb raider clone called weekend warrior that i hated. years later i wondered if it was because it ran so poorly (i had the very minimum spec, 602 IIRC), so i fired it up on my g3. it still sucked.