pax said:
I wonder how many of those attacks it would take to derail this years us elections... or worse, how many attacks of this scale this year would accomplish al quaeda's insane goal of derailing democracy in the west in general to the point of causing a christian-muslim world conflict.
If we get to the latter situation, then the terrorists have won, which is why it must not be allowed to happen.
Fundamentally so long as a democracy is strong-willed and doesn't succomb to the temptation to fight terrorists back on their own terms, then the terrorists cannot win.
It is difficult, personally I think it's impossible, for democracies to defeat terrorism using miltary means. This is the big mistake we made in this country fighting the IRA during the 70's IMO -- the introduction on internment and shoot-to-kill policies are counter-productive. They just breed resentment and make the problem worse.
If you look at examples of where long-running campaigns by terrorist organisations have run their course (the ANC in South Africa, the IRA in the UK *touch wood*), it's because both sides fought themselves to a stalemate. They realised that the solution was political, not military. From what I've read of ETA yesterday it sounds like they also were reaching this point.
I thought and hoped a few years ago that the Israel-Palestine situation had reached that point, but it appears that both sides decided to give it "one more heave".
But they key point is that the democracy involved has to remain strong and not decend to the level of the terrorists. I strongly believe this is the only way we (the West) will defeat AQ. It's going to be a long haul, but in the end it's the only way.