Enlarge Your Penis & Lose Weight at the Same Time! All-Natural!

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Heh, don't worry, this isn't a spam.

Seriously, ever since I started going to university off campus, I've had to ride my bicycle 4.5 km each way every day. I can only assume it's something to do with the geometry of the bike seat, but I swear to God I've gained 1/2 an inch of solid, pristine, hot... sweaty... succulent and rigid man flesh. (Apologies to London-Boy if I got him over-excited.) Now, I have a habit of measuring, so I know this is for real. Of course, I measure not because I'm worried about something, but because I get ego-strokingly, mouth-wateringly, comfortably girthy, large numbers, hehe. :p :LOL: In fact, upon casually describing my endowment one time, I had a gay man proprosition me for sex, which I politely declined. (Again, apologies LB.) So for me, it's not really a big difference, but for some it could be!

However, I've also gained weight, but that's only because I was never fat. It's all pure mustle. For someone less lean, they would surely lose weight. Also, the added downward force would probably yeild other, more significant, improvements, heh.

Now, I realise that posting this on a publicly viewable online forum may not be the best of ideas, but I assume that all of us here are mature enough to handle such a serious and important topic with professionalism. You know, keep our personal bias out of the picture. ;)

PS: I'm never going to live this down, am I?

PPS: How do I make that crazy small font?
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You know, bike seats are actually more known for causing impotence than unexpected penile growth... :LOL: Just FYI, hehehehe...!
DudeMiester said:
Now, I have a habit of measuring

It's truely fabulous you have a hobby you take pride in and can share with others.

DudeMiester said:
In fact, upon casually describing my endowment one time,
How, exactly, does graphic descriptions of ones own genitalia casually come up in everyday conversation;
My goodness Samantha, that fire hydrant your standing near bares such an uncanny resemblance...
DudeMiester-akaBigDickMeasurementGuy said:
PS: I'm never going to live this down, am I?

Not even in a bazillion years.

Probably temporary tissue stretch due to bike seat pressure (the same pressure that can lead to erectile disfuntion). If it's something else you better patent it fast and get a web site and spam bot!
Is it really a fact that gay men perfer larger dicks on their partners?

Can someone set the record straight on this? I suspect this is just a myth. LB?
inefficient said:
Is it really a fact that gay men perfer larger dicks on their partners?

Can someone set the record straight on this? I suspect this is just a myth. LB?

Why do most straight men prefer large breasts on women? Because more is better.
inefficient said:
Is it really a fact that gay men perfer larger dicks on their partners?
Is it really a fact all gypsies are thieves?

Gays are like people in general, and thus logically have different tastes. Some probably like long ones and some should therefore logically like short ones. Some might like brown ones, some probably prefer them pale... :p

Anything else you wanna know? :D:D:D
L233 said:
pictures plz
No problem:

JR, I have disagree, I think anything beyond grapefruit size isnt required. I believe firmness is a much nicer thing to have than size, as long as they arent bee stings.
You could totally ride that bike over some sweet jumps. God bless being able to post in locked threads. Hi MuFu.
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