email: african contact, money laundering: nigeria, zimbabwe


beyond noob
What's the source of these stupid emails? I've been getting occasionally for the past 5 years. Is it just a useless joke?

This is the latest one:

Dear Sir,

This contact is being made to you out of the increase need. Ostensibly, this may some what aroused some kind of surprise and suspicion both by its source, method or channel of transmission. It may also, be seen unjustifiable based on rules of certain values, but certain concerns and considerations has increased quite immeasurably and contemptuously in me, hence my approach.

I am Dr. Tenda Ndou a member of the movement for Democratic Change in ZIMBABWE? My party is opposed to the ZANU-PF of the incumbent president ROBERT MUGBE. I went into a partnership with a white farmer and businessman in ZIMBABWE and as we progressed in business, I bought his ideas and philosophy, which made me join the movement for democratic change which is dominated by the white (of which my colleague is a top member).

We control the greater portion of the white-dominated farms in ZIMBABWE and we are major shareholder in major companies in ZIMBABWE. The MUGABE government and his political associate are not tolerant to the activities of the movement for democratic change and he is using indirect guerrilla war tactics to oppress the members.

ZIMBABWE war veterans invaded our farms and confiscated some of our assets and held us hostage. I manage to escape from their brutality but my business partner died in the struggle. He left a message that I should sell off our assets including the farms, estates and the companies, ensuring that his family relocates overseas and also to invest the money properly bearing in mind that the next step of the guerrillas will be to confiscate those remaining assets.

I have successfully sold off the remaining portion of our estates, tobacco farms and companies after which I managed with the help of the immigration officer to sneak into JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, with the money and my colleague's families. In fact, we are seeking refuge in SOUTH AFRICA at this moment. The total sum in our possession at hand is the sum USD36 MILLION realized from auction, sales of the estates, tobacco farms and companies.

The money is secured in a security company. We are being highly restricted by the South African Authorities in opening up bank accounts here thereby adding more pain to the existing sorrows; a good study has also shown that South African as a base for our asylum is not the bests of a choice.

Evidences available show that South African is a nation in crisis, a fractured and bitterly divided nation since after apartheids rule, not suitable for good and strong investments.

It is an irony that the level of crimes, corruptions, mistrusts, mischief in the country is seemed to have for years endangered the economic development and has scared foreigner's investors away from investing in the country.

I wish to link up some one with strong characters who I can trust and enter into an understanding with and some one with good knowledge of investment to administer funds into business. This should be done under none-disclosure and none circumvention framework.

I have lots of drawbacks in the South African environment as issues in the country does not seem to go far enough to guarantee hope, trust in investment.

Please, if I can have your confidence, trust and understanding in this matter, I will be glad to have you contact me with this email

Please, this is not a case of money laundering of illicit funds.

I have 2 options for you; the 1st is that you could choose to have 25% of money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you could as well go into a joint business partnership with me for proper investment of the fund in any best choice of your wish once the money is transferred into your overseas account.
Best wishes in the New Year

Best regards,

Dr. Tenda Ndou
It's a con aimed at greedy people to liberate them of their money. Not neccessarily stupid people, they just need to have more greed than brains for it to work.
I know what it is without reading it.

Google "Nigeria letter", and you'll find lots of info.

Put shortly, it's a scam. Delete and ignore.
IIRC, this is known as the Nigerian 419 scam (after the part of the Nigerian penal code that covers it). It works three ways:

1. You give them your banking details and they empty your acount or convince you to send them money.

2. They tempt you to fly abroad and then they hold you for ransom.

3. Both of the above.

There's loads of info on Google, for instance here .

It's amazing how many intelligent people got caught out by this, especially in the early days before it was so highly publicised.
I receive this few min back...

"From: Add to Address Book
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:34:39 +0400
Subject: Waiting to hear from you

From the desk of Mr. Haitham Sharaf
National Bank of Abu Dhabi


I am Mr. Haitham Sharaf Branch Manager National Bank of Abu Dhabi),
I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. A
British Oil consultant and contractor with the Kruger Gold Company, Mr.
Raymond Beck made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar
months, valued at US$12,000,000.00 (Twelve Million Dollars) in my branch.
Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address
but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we
discovered from his contract employers, the Kruger Gold Company that Mr.
Raymond Beck died in a plane crash along with his wife Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond & Dorene Beck in Egypt Air Flight 990, 1999 air crash (for more
information about this crash and person you can contact this website:

Since we got this information about his death and on further
investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL, and all attempts
to trace his next of kin was fruitless. I therefore made further
investigation and discovered that Mr. Raymond Beck did not declare any kin or
relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit
paperwork in my Bank. This sum of US$12,000,000.00 is still sitting in my
Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at
the end of each year. No one will ever come forward to claim it.
According to Laws of United Arab Emirates , at the expiration of 7 (seven)
years, the money will revert to the ownership of the ( U.A.E ) Government
if nobody applies to claim the fund.

Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to
stand in as the next of kin to Mr. Raymond Beck so that the fruits of this
old man's labor will not get into the hands of some corrupt government
officials. This is simple, I will like you to provide immediately your
full names and address so that the attorney will prepare the necessary
documents and affidavits that will put you in place as the next of kin.
We shall employ the services of an attorney for drafting and
notarization of the WILL and to obtain the necessary documents and letter of
probate/administration in your favor for the transfer. A bank account in
any part of the world that you will provide will then facilitate the
transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin.

The money will be paid into your account for us to share in the ratio
of 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no risk at all as all the
paperwork for this transaction will be done by the attorney and my position
as the Branch Manager guarantees the successful execution of this
If you are interested, please reply immediately via the private email
address above. Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more
details and relevant documents that will help you understand the
transaction. Please send me your confidential telephone and fax numbers for
easy communication. Please observe utmost confidentiality, and rest
assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because
I shall require your assistance to invest my share in your country.
Awaiting your urgent reply via my confidential email address:
Mr. Haitham Sharaf"
The best one I got was about a nigerian astronaut who died on a mission and left his 15 mio. $$ and I should help to get these abroad etc. More of the same, but a very funny story there.