Early Christmas Present..... X800 XT


My boyfriend Joe treated me to a early Christmas present - a Connect3D ATI Radeon X800 XT 256MB DDR3 VIVO (AGP) !




It's fantasticly faster than my 9800 Pro.

I'll post a detailed benchmark comparison between my 9800 Pro and the X800 XT later (when I've finished, it's already taken two days!).
John Reynolds said:
Damn, all I'm getting is Pirates! from the wife. That's it, I'm going gay!


Don't worry, if it was your husband you would probably still have gotten Butt Pirates!

That was a terrible joke, but difficult to resist. Please take no offense!


Oh, and congrats on the new video card!
Here is the detailed comparison.

(Driver - Catalyst 4.11 WHQL) :

Benchmark                              9800 Pro   X800 XT    Percent Faster Times Faster

3DMark03 Total                            5606      10471         86.8        1.9
Wings Of Fury                            162.2      181.4         11.8        1.1
Battle of Proxycon                        37.5       86.7        131.2        2.3
Troll's Lair                              33.6       68.8        104.8        2.0
Mother Nature                             37.6       69.9         85.9        1.9
Fillrate (Single-Texturing)             1703.2     2786.4         63.6        1.6
Fillrate (Multi-Texturing)              2923.7       6621        126.5        2.3
Vertex Shader                             18.1       34.3         89.5        1.9
Pixel Shader 2.0                          53.4      133.4        149.8        2.5
Ragtroll                                  23.6       50.3        113.1        2.1

3DMark05 Total                            2246       5257        134.1        2.3
Return To Proxycon                         8.7       23.3        167.8        2.7
Firefly Forest                             6.5       15.3        135.4        2.4
Canyon Flight                             12.9       26.1        102.3        2.0

AquaMark Total                           40590      47921         18.1        1.2
CPU Score                                 6433       6516          1.3        1.0
GFX Score                                 5928       7578         27.8        1.3
Average FPS                             40.591     47.922         18.1        1.2
Average TPS                           12219070   14426028         18.1        1.2

3DMark2001 SE Score                      15608      17475         12.0        1.1
Game 1 Car Chase - Low Detail            207.4        208          0.3        1.0
Game 1 Car Chase - High Detail            71.5       68.8         -3.8        1.0
Game 2 Dragothic - Low Detail              305      312.5          2.5        1.0
Game 2 Dragothic - High Detail           161.2      161.2          0.0        1.0
Game 3 Lobby - Low Detail                181.1      179.3         -1.0        1.0
Game 3 Lobby - High Detail                78.7       80.2          1.9        1.0
Game 4 Nature                            122.2      213.7         74.9        1.7
Fill Rate (Single-Texturing)            2028.4     3326.9         64.0        1.6
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing)             2989.7     7720.9        158.2        2.6
High Polygon Count (1 light)              84.2      153.2         81.9        1.8
High Polygon Count (8 lights)             19.2       37.3         94.3        1.9
Environment Bump Mapping                 338.4      393.3         16.2        1.2
DOT3 Bump Mapping                        240.9      442.5         83.7        1.8
Vertex Shader                            223.6      220.1         -1.6        1.0
Pixel Shader                             298.7      303.4          1.6        1.0
Advanced Pixel Shader                    217.7      428.8         97.0        2.0
Point Sprite                              44.2       84.3         90.7        1.9

Codecreatures Benchmark Pro
avg. no. of frames/sec                    48.9       60.8         24.3        1.2
max. no. of frames/sec                      60        104         73.3        1.7
avg. no. of polys/sec                     17.9       21.2         18.4        1.2
max. no. of polys/sec                     25.6       32.1         25.4        1.3
total frames                              6426       8030         25.0        1.2

Grass Section
avg. no. of frames/sec                    52.8       72.6         37.5        1.4
max. no. of frames/sec                      60        104         73.3        1.7

Water Section
avg. no. of frames/sec                    45.8       51.3         12.0        1.1
max. no. of frames/sec                      58         69         19.0        1.2

Codecreatures Benchmark Pro 4xAA
avg. no. of frames/sec                    34.3       56.2         63.8        1.6
max. no. of frames/sec                      45         73         62.2        1.6
avg. no. of polys/sec                     13.4       20.2         50.7        1.5
max. no. of polys/sec                     20.4       31.6         54.9        1.5
total frames                              4491       7394         64.6        1.6

Grass Section
avg. no. of frames/sec                      32       62.8         96.3        2.0
max. no. of frames/sec                      35         73        108.6        2.1

Water Section
avg. no. of frames/sec                    36.2       50.9         40.6        1.4
max. no. of frames/sec                      45         71         57.8        1.6

Marko Dolenc's Fillrate tester
FFP - Pure fillrate                 2629.723145485.979004        108.6        2.1
FFP - Z pixel rate                 2509.7331547256.854492        189.1        2.9
FFP - Single texture               2552.163818 4091.00708         60.3        1.6
FFP - Dual texture                  1348.257082262.820801         67.8        1.7
FFP - Triple texture                731.2410281592.689453        117.8        2.2
FFP - Quad texture                  614.3776861097.682617         78.7        1.8
PS 1.1 - Simple                    1490.0321043886.269043        160.8        2.6
PS 1.4 - Simple                    1490.0352783886.152588        160.8        2.6
PS 2.0 - Simple                    1490.3504643890.233398        161.0        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Simple                 1490.4208983885.541992        160.7        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer                     750.8886721969.256958        162.3        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer                  750.9666141968.757446        162.2        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers         751.5809331969.193237        162.0        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers      749.8082891969.526367        162.7        2.6
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting         214.803909 565.624207        163.3        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting      214.831482 565.601807        163.3        2.6

Marko Dolenc's Fillrate tester 2xAA
FFP - Pure fillrate                 1812.923345618.869629        209.9        3.1
FFP - Z pixel rate                 2454.1408697118.315918        190.1        2.9
FFP - Single texture               1599.4702153625.619629        126.7        2.3
FFP - Dual texture                   839.887392175.671631        159.0        2.6
FFP - Triple texture                663.2616581600.396851        141.3        2.4
FFP - Quad texture                  554.1370851095.925537         97.8        2.0
PS 1.1 - Simple                     1467.860843808.366455        159.5        2.6
PS 1.4 - Simple                    1467.700317 3808.59082        159.5        2.6
PS 2.0 - Simple                    1468.5493163827.513428        160.6        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Simple                 1468.5391853825.031494        160.5        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer                     744.0243531951.459717        162.3        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer                  744.2136841952.425415        162.3        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers         744.0276491951.479614        162.3        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers      744.0133061951.435669        162.3        2.6
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting         213.787186 562.642578        163.2        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting      213.789398 562.818298        163.3        2.6

Marko Dolenc's Fillrate tester 4xAA
FFP - Pure fillrate                1688.8503425339.810059        216.2        3.2
FFP - Z pixel rate                 1448.6770023882.733398        168.0        2.7
FFP - Single texture               1440.4255373663.846191        154.4        2.5
FFP - Dual texture                 1136.7211912177.058838         91.5        1.9
FFP - Triple texture                656.8986211594.709717        142.8        2.4
FFP - Quad texture                  551.5872191093.503784         98.2        2.0
PS 1.1 - Simple                     1453.989383784.341553        160.3        2.6
PS 1.4 - Simple                     1453.511233783.188965        160.3        2.6
PS 2.0 - Simple                    1456.6578373808.744873        161.5        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Simple                 1456.6472173807.903076        161.4        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer                     740.7313841946.630127        162.8        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer                  740.7537841947.635132        162.9        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers         740.7291871946.756836        162.8        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers      740.7368161946.703369        162.8        2.6
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting          213.17627 561.546021        163.4        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting      213.170486 561.638367        163.5        2.6

Marko Dolenc's Fillrate tester 6xAA
FFP - Pure fillrate                  1392.70523398.460693        144.0        2.4
FFP - Z pixel rate                  741.9483031963.524414        164.6        2.6
FFP - Single texture               1204.572388 2705.53418        124.6        2.2
FFP - Dual texture                  791.5495612033.975098        157.0        2.6
FFP - Triple texture                643.2033691470.457886        128.6        2.3
FFP - Quad texture                  543.2708131024.079346         88.5        1.9
PS 1.1 - Simple                    1379.7745363392.627197        145.9        2.5
PS 1.4 - Simple                    1384.4025883392.996094        145.1        2.5
PS 2.0 - Simple                     1381.117923393.325928        145.7        2.5
PS 2.0 PP - Simple                 1380.1160893392.974854        145.8        2.5
PS 2.0 - Longer                     738.2951661938.972534        162.6        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer                  738.2886961939.044312        162.6        2.6
PS 2.0 - Longer 4 Registers         738.2852781938.938232        162.6        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Longer 4 Registers      738.2926031939.018921        162.6        2.6
PS 2.0 - Per Pixel Lighting         212.721909  560.09906        163.3        2.6
PS 2.0 PP - Per Pixel Lighting      212.721115  560.09259        163.3        2.6

Overdraw factor 3, back to front        808.99    1032.47         27.6        1.3
Overdraw factor 3, front to back       2552.97    3880.21         52.0        1.5
Overdraw factor 3, random order        1339.46    2039.04         52.2        1.5

Overdraw factor 8, back to front        290.38     448.39         54.4        1.5
Overdraw factor 8, front to back       2083.81    3408.05         63.5        1.6
Overdraw factor 8, random order         836.65    1317.28         57.4        1.6

Pixel fillrate                         2639.95    5564.36        110.8        2.1
Texel fillrate                         3003.25     7486.7        149.3        2.5

Pure transform                        73117088  134521960         84.0        1.8
2 point lights                        36087552   71363931         97.8        2.0
8 point lights                        15270022   30172577         97.6        2.0
2 directional lights                  64871028  125782365         93.9        1.9
8 directional lights                  46886889   91869179         95.9        2.0

One  1024x1024x32 texture              1587.37    3281.57        106.7        2.1
Four 1024x1024x32 textures             1567.94     3040.4         93.9        1.9

D3D RightMark (Public Beta 4)
Light (Phong) 3 point lights PS2.0      103.93     267.37        157.3        2.6

Doom3 1.1 Demo1
4xAA 8xAF                                 26.7         52         94.8        1.9
4xAA 16xAF                                26.5       51.7         95.1        2.0
6xAA 16xAF                                17.2       41.6        141.9        2.4

Hmm... quite CPU limited in some cases, my AMD 2800 XP needs a upgrade.

Here is the link to the Excel file :

I'm not Dave, but if I was, I would not hire gays as reviewers.

They're much too happy about anything they get for free.
Eh? Are you being serious? That one hastly generalisation if your are!

My enjoyment of this present didn't affect my objective and scientific analysis. Anyway this was just a 'hobby investigation'.
digitalwanderer said:
Ignore him Pete, he's just teasing ya.

Either that or he's an arrogant SOB, take your pick. ;)

I wasn't sure if he was using subtle humor, along the lines of; 'gay' which orginally ment 'happy'.

Or whether he was being your latter description ;)
PeterAce said:
I wasn't sure if he was using subtle humor, along the lines of; 'gay' which orginally ment 'happy'.

Or whether he was being your latter description ;)
Either or, take your pick.

It's Reverend, ya just gotta love him inspite of himself. :D