my gaming tastes have long since outgrown most of what they can offer me
First, lemme say that I'm sorry for going off-topic.
As for this quote, that's all well and good. What are you incinuating though? That Nintendo makes games that all adults are too old for (in your opinion) or just that
your tastes aren't in line with the type of game Nintendo offers? I'm guessing the latter, but after the hypocrisy I've heard from people in forums like this.. I can never be too sure. Y'know?
Last I checked.. Zelda 64, MP, and ED were the only Nintendo games you've mentioned in a positive tone.. so I'm guessing that you didn't actually grow
out of them. You just only like their more adult-oriented software. Am I right?
Like I said before, it's 95% nostalgia
While I can connect with your first quote (I understand that after so long, one can get tired of kid-friendly games) this is basically as Teasy stated. A flimsy excuse that
only fan-boys make. You're not a diehard fan-boy, so why post stuff like this? Sure, Nintendo games offer a lot of nostalgia for older gamers.. but as I said before.. it's the actual
games that kept Nintendo in business while the 3rd-parties fled the N64. It's the fun factor that made Super Mario Sunshine get high scores and awards from publications despite its poor presentation. It's the fun factor that made Metroid Prime a GOTY candidate, and OoT the highest rated game of the past 10 years. There's no nostalgia to be had in quirky games like Earthbound (that I've heard a
lot of people bash on XG) but there is a good deal of fun factor.
'Course, none of it is universal. People have different tastes, and we have to accept it. Not berate them and their preferences.. as people like Chronic, Oronll, and all of these other jackasses do. Geez.
I would drop my GameCube like a hot rock if I didn't enjoy the 1st-party games..