

Drunk Member
Ok, what's wrong with my damn system?

I've checked with google what it coud be with no luck on my case.

It seems to happen when ever I use BitTorrent software - I used Azureus before, but it seems to happen with BitComet too.

I've even done a fresh install of windows now, and installed just BitComet this time, and the problem continues.

I've also tried using separate NIC (some RealTek 10/100) instead of my onboard NIC, which didn't change anything.

edit: seems to happen otherwise too, but using bittorrent client seems to instantly cause the BSOD
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Probably a misbehaving driver: MSDN entry and knowledgebase article. If no file name is listed on the bluescreen you could try do download the Microsoft debugger and appropriate symbol package, then make sure you have your system set up to write a small memory dump on crashing. You can analyze the dump using 'File -> Open Crash Dump' in the debugger and giving the command '!analyze –v' in the debug window. Look for a line in this report stating something like: 'Probably caused by : somedriver.sys', and hopefully this will clue you in to the cause of the problem.

Edit: Also check out the Windows driver verifier when you have a 'suspect'.
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hmmm... I remember a problem with BT years ago on some machines that involved too many simultaneous connections being created and causing problems with certain network cards that had only Microsoft network drivers?

might be a place to start looking.

(e.g., it could be fixed by limiting the number of maximum outgoing connections. this was in mid-04)
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The Baron said:
hmmm... I remember a problem with BT years ago on some machines that involved too many simultaneous connections being created and causing problems with certain network cards that had only Microsoft network drivers?

might be a place to start looking.

(e.g., it could be fixed by limiting the number of maximum outgoing connections. this was in mid-04)
Gotta try that, though the fact that it happened a few times now without BT active too seems to suggest otherwise (and I'm using 3Com's drivers (and RealTek's when I tried the separate NIC)

Zaphod's suggestion goes a bit out of my "area of expertise" so to say

edit: I removed all active torrents, and still got BSOD :S
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Mystery apparently solved.

I installed yet another BT client, µTorrent, and got BSOD as soon as I set the default download directory to D:\Torrents where I had few unfinished files.

I then deleted the folder, and so far haven't gotten a BSOD, so something was corrupted there apparently (shouldn't be a virus or anything though, I turst my Kaspersky Antivirus 2006 Beta + MS AntiSpyware enough)
Kaotik said:
Zaphod's suggestion goes a bit out of my "area of expertise" so to say
Heh. Sorry about that. (Really, it's not too hard...)

The bluescreen doesn't say what file caused the error? Troubleshooting these errors without debugging then come down to a combination of dumb luck and trial and error. You cold try disabling all unessential devices to see if the problem goes away, then re-enabling them one by one until the crash reoccur. Also check for updated, preferably certified, drivers for your devices.

Edit: Nevermind then. Glad to hear you solved it.
Meh, too happy too fast it seems, got yet another BSOD

Time to check my HDD's for errors I guess

And no, the BSOD doesn't specify any file.
Forgot to mention, already did that, no errors on default tests.

Unplugged DVD-drive, so far so good, no BSOD's yet
Maybe StarForce destroyed my drive :eek: (didn't know the damn HoMM V beta came with StarForce)

edit: and uTorrent running ATM too
And there comes the lovely BSOD again :cry:

Trying to copy stuff from WoW CD's to HDD now and then remove both optical drives and install from HDD instead, if the drives make any difference (as it would seem based on the fact that it took helluva lot longer for the BSOD to come after taking off the DVD drive)

Is it possible, that customizing WindowsXP CD with nLite would somehow make the thing just "not work" after certain day? Since both me and my friend are running the same customized installation and he called that he's getting the same error too.

or could Kaspersky Antivirus 2006 beta for some reason suddenly cause this?
Fresh installation of "clean" windows (aka XP Pro + SP2 slipstream disc, nothing taken out) and so far everything works. Haven't installed any BT client yet, though, which initially caused the problems on last fresh "nLited" install.
digitalwanderer said:
Does your case have good ventilation? Is your hard drive getting physically hot?

I have the side of my case open and the HDD's do get warm, but not too hot.

But now it starts to seem the problem lies in the nLited windows installation, though I seriously can't figure out what component, when removed, could possibly make the windows not work after date X even if you reinstall the windows.
You don't happen to have an nForce system and installed Nvidia's IDE drivers? These have been known, on occasion, to cause problems.
Diplo said:
You don't happen to have an nForce system and installed Nvidia's IDE drivers? These have been known, on occasion, to cause problems.

Nope, ASUS P4P800 with i865PE chipset and latest Intel chipset (including IDE) drivers.
Do you have more than 1 stick of memory installed and did you run memtest with only one of them installed at a time and did you test each stick in each memory slot?

This can help you identify a broken module or a faulty slot.

IMHO, the broken model scenario is more likely than the faulty slot one.