Domain hosting services


Professional Malcontent
Anybody have any inexpensive options?

The feature I mostly use is a few email addresses at the domain redirected to my mailbox. I'd like to do some blogging, eventually (pictures for family members, etc).

Right now I'm with DomainAvenue, but they're out of Hong Kong and really slow. I looked at, but wasn't excited enough to jump without getting some advice.
I use for our domain registrations, and a couple of sibling-company websites mainly because they're low traffic simple XHTML sites I designed as information pages for them. Based on what I've seen I wouldn't use their standard hosting packages for any med-high traffic sites, but other than that they're fine. Decent enough tools but nothing spectacular.

My recommandation in the thread xxx posted still stands, Dreamhost have good tools and insta-install options.
Yeah, I looked into your suggestions, but they're really more than I want. (Both in cost, and features added). I don't need the SQL backend, or any real bandwidth/month.
If you want blogging with galleries etc, you will need SQL backends.
Google Apps
Cheap (only domain costs), reliable, very low upkeep - as long as you don't want anything other that what they offer ;)

Tried it with gmail and their page creator myself, and it should also be possible to use blogger.
Not quite sure picasa works with a custom domain yet.

You'll need a bit of knowledge about DNS, but otherwise it's all fancy web config-panels.
If you are not expeciting huge amounts of bandwidth can I make an alternate suggestions.

Get a network attached storage device like the QNap TS-101 and you host your web-site from there. The initial cost is obviously more, but it is a more versatile/useful solution.

If you have a static IP address then you can register a domain to point to it, if not then you can use DynamicDNS and get a domain setup there.

The advantage of this is that you will have as much space as you want (based on the size of drive you put in the device), your access to it will be very quick, and you can do all kinds of cool stuff with it.

I have just been fiddling around with this myself.

The only problem I found was that it's Dyndns client does not work if the device is behind a router, so either you need a router that supports Dyndns. Or you can get the Telnet enabled version of the firmware and install the php client I have knocked up.
