Do software Dev's have non-compete clauses?

Artist from Ubisoft prevented from joining EA, for a whole year due to non-compete clause.

In a statement, Electronic Arts wrote that it "perceives this practice [of non-compete clauses] as a constraint on the creative freedom of the individual employee," as well as "a severe limitation on the growth of the multi-media industry in Quebec." The statement calls the non-compete clause--a business practice which is legal in Quebec--as being "contrary to the spirit of the salary grants that Quebec offers to the industry which are designed to stimulate growth and creative freedom."

Though Ubisoft said they have only enforced it once.

blakjedi said:
Too bad MS didnt do that with their Xbox Live designer who left and went to Sony to help them design their online service...:rolleyes:

Again MS makes some apparently dumb decisions.

he was one of many people that helped with XBL. He wasn't the sole creator by any means.

And that was back in 2002, so any non-compete agreement would be over by now.
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