I've got two calibrated monitors side by side. One is a VA around 2500:1 (measured) and the other is an IPS around 1000:1. The colours look pretty much identical to my eye. When I bought the VA (Samsung Odyssey G7), I was really interested in the black level and contrast because I was moving from a TN panel that had really grey looking blacks. Now that I have my work monitor calibrated and setup beside them, I can display the same images side by side, or a black screen and honestly the black levels look very similar. I can see a difference, but it's small. Now I know OLEDs with "true blacks" are on a whole different level, but when does any contrast ratio start to really matter? According to rtings.com they say > 3000:1 is good, and steps of 500 are noticeable. Maybe my eyes are fucked, but the difference between 2500:1 and 1000:1 are very small.