DirectX 9.0 RC0 v308.3 is leaked again

Hrmm... in the Globals.ati file included with the sphere demo, it looks like there is a bunch of numbers and letters drawn in poorly made ASCII art embedded in it. I can make out numbers 1-9, and most of the letters of the alphabet... but they're all upside down, and as I say drawn with characters like ASCII art (even though they aren't ASCII characters). What the heck kind of file is this? Here's an example of what I'm talking about (an upside down 'R'):

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What's even more disturbing is that below the letters and numbers, there appears to be one portion of the file that looks like a picture of an outstretched arm giving you the middle finger...
Crusher said:
Hrmm... in the Globals.ati file included with the sphere demo, it looks like there is a bunch of numbers and letters drawn in poorly made ASCII art embedded in it. I can make out numbers 1-9, and most of the letters of the alphabet... but they're all upside down, and as I say drawn with characters like ASCII art (even though they aren't ASCII characters). What the heck kind of file is this? Here's an example of what I'm talking about (an upside down 'R'):
Just a guess: Could this be texture data?
OpenGL guy said:
Just a guess: Could this be texture data?

I suppose, if the demo uses textures to display text, then it could be a bunch of bitmaps embedded into one file. I wasn't aware that bitmaps were stored from bottom to top, but apparently they are.
I'm tha 1337 h4x0r! 8)

This is what you saw:

I'm curious though why they don't use .png files? Would cut down the size of those demos quite a lot.
hmmmm time to get out the NV30 Emmulate program and see just how slow my CPU can render... :D :D :D