DirectX 9.0 RC0 v308.3 is leaked again

Thx Hyp-X...

Didn't want to download with dialup before knowing the expiration date. Dialup you say? Lol, yes broadband is not in my area yet and I work for the company who can provide it for me for practically free. ;)
I gotta say the animusic demo rocks. 8)

Anyone been able to download the bear demo? I keep getting a corrupt file :-?
So did anyone notice any new effects being available with these new drivers on there R9700 ?

Since I got some new features enabled with my Audigy 2 when I installed this version of Directx 9.
Ascended Saiyan said:
So did anyone notice any new effects being available with these new drivers on there R9700 ?

There's a number of new OpenGL extensions. GL_ATI_draw_buffers, WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float and GL_NV_occlusion_query.
Humus said:
I gotta say the animusic demo rocks. 8)

Anyone been able to download the bear demo? I keep getting a corrupt file :-?

Damn, that was my favorite after just watching the movie file. *sigh*. I must exercise self my wallet out, Humus, don't mention animusic again please...