Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Some of you guys are way too highbrow for me. I play games for the story & loved the Halo games(1-3 at least). I hoped the Destiny story was as good or better than Halo, but if it's not I still think the co-op will be great. Looking forward to it right after I'm done with Borderlands. :)

Tommy McClain
The Destiny story so far (to me anyway) doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not sure why I should give a crap about the Traveler, or the Guardians, or the Darkness.

It's really bizarre, actually. The story of Halo is a million times better and much easier to get emotionally invested in. I'm surprised Bungie swung and missed so bad on the story.

If I choose the "Hard" version of a mission, do I still have to also complete the "Normal" version of that mission? It seems like I do, but I'm not sure.
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The Destiny story so far (to me anyway) doesn't make any sense at all. I'm not sure why I should give a crap about the Traveler, or the Guardians, or the Darkness.

It's really bizarre, actually. The story of Halo is a million times better and much easier to get emotionally invested in. I'm surprised Bungie swung and missed so bad on the story.

I think it's a pretty cool premise actually. Interested to discover where the Traveler came from, why they are chasing him, and the inevitable switch where the guardians go on the offensive.

They are missing a hero though. You gotta give us someone to care about, this faceless soldier thing only goes so far.
I think it's a pretty cool premise actually. Interested to discover where the Traveler came from, why they are chasing him, and the inevitable switch where the guardians go on the offensive.

They are missing a hero though. You gotta give us someone to care about, this faceless soldier thing only goes so far.

I agree that it is a cool premise. I think it is poorly presented. I think they didn't want cut scenes and stuff to interfere with game play and so they made them all short. That by necessity made some of the voice lines incredibly cheesy or just plain dumb. You can tell that they tried. They have named nearly everything. They actually go to great lengths to tell you those names even though it makes the intro text awkward sometimes.

I think they would have been better served by making longer cut scenes that were optional. Their loading screens are long enough anyway - you could have the cut scene play and just give the option to exit once loading is done. The issue you tend to run into is the "wait for the new guy" that always happened in FFXIV. It got annoying to wait for people seeing something for the first time that you had seen a hundred. Maybe something like putting cut scenes as their own mission that had to be played before you could unlock the multi-player portion of the strike.

Either way, the concept is interesting. The presentation leaves a bit to be desired.
I'm not surprised the story is bad, I'm just surprised it's worse than Halo's. Halo's story is awful.

I am surprised the review scores for Destiny are so low. I think a lot of it is based on expectations. People expecting an MMO will be disappointed. It's not an MMO. People who want more Halo will be disappointed. The gameplay feels different than Halo, and it's not as simple. People who are looking for an RPG with a deep world and lore, well it's not that either. The closest comparison I can think of, without having played Diablo 3, is Diablo 2. It's very light on story. The story seems like an afterthought. What you have left is a first-person loot game. It's a grinder. The game is about grinding for gear and defeating progressively more difficult challenges. End-game is the game, basically. The strike playlist and the raids are the end goal. That will not sit well with a lot of people. If you want an MMO style game that is socially driven, it really has nothing to offer you. It is not an MMO. People who want to play a casual Halo-style storyline, well, it probably won't satisfy you there.

No comment on the PvP aspect because I have no interest in playing it.
I've been having fun with the game, certainly. But it isn't without its faults.

I think my biggest issue is the poor difficulty balancing. Often times I found the only two difficulty options available in a mission were 1 level below or 3 above, which basically boils down to 'insultingly easy' or 'infuriatingly unfair'. Something about the leveling and the way enemies are setup means they take damage in a way that seems to have no coloration with your actual stats. A couple of times I've come across a group that were totally immune due to being 3 or 4 levels up (despite having a gun that was good for another few levels)

I started enjoying the game a lot more when I stopped choosing the hard or very hard rated difficulties. But it really lacked a sense of fair challenge. It got kinda dull...

Similar things apply to the strikes. The moon strike is waaaaay harder than its level, while the nexus strike on Venus was very easy (we were all one level below, yet made it through no problem)

Despite that the game is fun. Not sure how long it'll last due to the issues.

The story is total garbage though. :p sets up this really interesting premise then forgets it , brings in these three extra, utterly pointless, enemy races that make no sense in context. They could have just been different fallen factions and that'd have made much more sense. I really had no idea what I was doing (or why) for the last three quarters of the game, and the ending was beyond lazy :-\

There were ten people credited for writing, so perhaps it was a too many cooks problem, combined with (I presume) a tonne of cut content.
Just played the venus strike mission...was my favorite so far...LOVED it. Mind you, I somehow managed to join the moon strike at the final boss battle, and the third person bailed out, so it was just me and one other...was hard as hell. Haven't played the full mission yet.
I'm not surprised the story is bad, I'm just surprised it's worse than Halo's. Halo's story is awful.

I am surprised the review scores for Destiny are so low. I think a lot of it is based on expectations. People expecting an MMO will be disappointed. It's not an MMO. People who want more Halo will be disappointed. The gameplay feels different than Halo, and it's not as simple.

I think the game mechanics are quite close to Halo. Where it feels so different is that fights never really get this random/tactical feeling like in Halo where you adopt your strategy on the fly and the weapon type is important. In Destiny it's about shoot in the head or where it hurts more, hordes or complete melee in Event situations at the end. You don't really think/plan, you react. I've only played the Warlock(at 19) so I can't give a final judgement but Halo's grenades felt also more like a tactical instrument during fights.
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You have strange expectations from a shooter. I didn't expect more from Bungie, like Halo its a sci fi shooter with a throw away story. You play for the co-op and that's it.

To me the standard for the best (open world) FPS experience these days is Far Cry 3. It's by far not a perfect game but it has the game mechanics. It also gives the player the power to approach situations in a lot different ways which stimulates the player intellectually. It creates an immersion into the world because you're really interacting with the game world. The localized randomizing also helps a lot but I wish that would have been less simple minded.

Halo's strength from a narration perspective wasn't the story itself but the player got objectives which mattered to the player and situation unlike in Destiny. What made Halo though is the atmosphere the universe generated. You had the impression that you only saw the top of the ice berg of what's going on and there's so much more under the hood.

That generated the sense of wonder while the player experienced their own Space Opera while exploration. The picture ran in the mind of the player. Halo4 unfortunately made it a Soap.

Destiny may have more lore but as a player I give a shit. It's not immersive. It might be the awful narration or that I regard a mixture of SF and Fantasy as a receipt for disaster in suspension of disbelief.(Please no Star Wars finger pointing now:). It just doesn't work and that as the beginning of a franchise is deadly. If people don't care for the universe why really await the next one to know what happens further?
I don't know, I was able to cruise through Halo 3 with a friend on Legendary without a thought for tactics, and without an understanding of situational use of weapons. Destiny can be very challenging, but like all rpgs that can be greatly affected by your gear. I do feel like I've out-leveled/geared the story and have to crank the difficulty if possible. Level 20 warlock with mostly blue items.
but in halo i still understand why i do something, why i need to finish the mission.
while on destiny, most of the time i dont know why i do the mission and just follow the arrow. there's one mission where i specifically remember what i need to do and achieve but it did not translated to gameplay. in game-play, it is the same shoot enemy to death.

its the first few mission on venus. forgot the mission name.

i think sword of cortana mission have the most easy to understand story and well translated into gameplay. other mission are just... err. shoot all baddies! :D
so in sword mission, Destiny successfully tell AND show a story to be experienced by the player itself.
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Aha, finally cracked the Strike on the Moon with Rockaman :p ! Got some Blue Legendary items :p !
Also played two rounds of Control, the maps are so well made ! Thanx to the gliding ability of players, the design isn't what you grab the first time you play it. You start knowing about the alternate vertical routes as you play and there are always flank routed for everything. The well placed covers lead to cat and mouse chases around control points.Add to that the fact that you can fly over the cover: :love: Lovely !

Also, i somehow just love patroling on Earth. Found a high level Vandal (?) guarding a cave at the very end of Forgotten shore. Took all my ammo, primary, secondary and special, to kill him but got a Legendary (blue) item from the chest in the cave :cool: ! There are still enemies in Bunker Ras 2 whom I cannot kill and the ones near the opening section too. I WILL be back, you scum :yep2: with better gear and abilities !

Loving every apsect of this game ! Especially Strikes, they are so frantic ! Can't wait to go on the one on mars, but I need to level up first.

:love: Destiny more than I thought I would. Which is rare !
Finally leveled up my Warlock to 20 (will probably create a Hunter character after), but now I don't know what to do. How or what's the best way to earn vandal marks/rep? How do you increase your light to level up further? And unrelated (possibly) but what do all of the material items you collect, do?

By far the best part of Destiny are the strike missions. Even playing the easier ones again once leveled up is fun. It's so much fun mowing over enemies that you once struggled with, with ease now that you have much more powerful weapons. I just got a blue auto rifle with a 203 attack level (forget the name) but it's a beast!
Today will be a good day. I will finally get to the Vanguard level 2, which will grant me access to Legendary Armors! I have ~75 marks, and most likely I will take chest piece for a start.

bloody heck with destiny invisible walls....

usually it only makes me stumped on traversal but now on mars mission after the Ghost make "conduit". im trapped in invisible wall and need to restart the very-very-very-very long battle again.

granted it was my fault for playing alone, but man... there should be suicide or respawn button that did not restart the whole battle.

if there were pause button when playing ALONE it also will be much much better. when im stuck i can ask friends to come and pause the game. (after friend come, it will be okay for me to respawn)
or when i need to do something i also can pause the game.
Finally leveled up my Warlock to 20 (will probably create a Hunter character after), but now I don't know what to do. How or what's the best way to earn vandal marks/rep? How do you increase your light to level up further? And unrelated (possibly) but what do all of the material items you collect, do?

By far the best part of Destiny are the strike missions. Even playing the easier ones again once leveled up is fun. It's so much fun mowing over enemies that you once struggled with, with ease now that you have much more powerful weapons. I just got a blue auto rifle with a 203 attack level (forget the name) but it's a beast!

You earn vanguard marks doing strikes. Light is a stat that appears only on blue items. You need to grind to get more blue items if you want to increase your level using Light. Materials are used to upgrade items. You'll see material requirements for upgrades on blue items. Exotic items require a ton of materials. Some materials can be traded into vendors for money, reputation and maybe marks.