Dead Like Me

Anyone watch this series?? It's pretty funny, although the format is flawed

Busy watching through season 2 atm and have had a couple of good laughs already.

I could imagine being a reaper .. but then I start poking holes in the plot.

I do prefer Tru Calling though.

Season 1 just started airing here in Australia, I missed the first episode but watched the second, and part of the third. Is there something I'm missing here? Does it get any better? Because at the moment it doesn't seem to really go anywhere. :?
Andy said:
...but watched the second, and part of the third. Is there something I'm missing here? Does it get any better? Because at the moment it doesn't seem to really go anywhere. :?
I thought it was cancelled by Showtime at the end of the second season?

I quite liked it to start off with, but it seemed to lose steam towards the end of the first season, indeed I believe the producers were forced to make a clip show towards the end of S1 (out of a season run of only 13 episodes), due to budget trimming by the studio (MGM) and then what little I saw of the second season, seemed to be fairly aimless.


You misread, I was talking about episodes, not seasons ;) I honestly have no idea how many seasons "dead like me" has.
Love the show but they did change a couple things... they now look the same as when they died but in season one they looked differently to the living...

That might only be the case with older reapers tho as only 2 of them have had events where they are recognized...

I really hope they make season 3... Showtime dropped it but the studio definitely wants to keep it going...
pax said:
I really hope they make season 3... Showtime dropped it but the studio definitely wants to keep it going...
I read somewhere that Mandy Patinkin was doing a pilot for a new show, so that 'Dead Like Me' might in fact be... uhm... dead.
Unknown Soldier said:

...From what i've seen Season 1 and 2 are 14 episodes long...

Yeah, I assumed Season 2 was a standard 13 episode cable order, but I always rationalised Season one's 14 episode count as the Pilot (1) + 13 episodes. OTOH, if one count's the Pilot as two episodes, then it would it be a 15 episode first season ;)

IIRC, Bryan Fuller, the creator of Dead Like Me (originally titled Dead Girl Walking), left to work on Wonderfalls after the first few episodes and for me the show's initial intensity and zesty writing began to fall off shortly after, seemingly to be compensated mostly by upping the expletive count :rolleyes:


Unknown Soldier said:
I really liked Tru Calling .. and thought there was ALOT of potential in it.



It was really a vehicle for Eliza Dushku (she turned down doing a Buffy spinoff as "Faith"), but I think they painted themselves into a corner. Each episode was bound to be very samey due to the format, and arguable it had been done better with "Early Edition" or "Quantum Leap".

It's amazing though how ruthless US TV executives are at the moment though. It used to be the case that if a show was doing all right in its first season, it might get another year or two to really get going, but now it seems if you can't get a best seller and high audiences in the first year, you are cancelled.