Daxter (PSP)

This is looking to be a great game for the PSP. Here's a brief look at IGN's hand on preview says.

One thing that the series has undoubtedly excelled at is animation quality, and Daxter is no different. The animation fidelity here is absolutely fantastic, with Daxter having what is easily the best and most realistic motions we've seen on the PSP thus far. As we've mostly dealt with robotic spiders, it's hard to judge how his opponents will fair, but we doubt it'll be any less excellent. Really, this is AAA animation quality that you only find in a handful of console games.

Along with excellent animation, the Jak & Daxter series has also always had spot-on controls, and again, Daxter has seen this implemented to perfection. The controls are extremely tight, and though Daxter's animations are all blended together for smooth animation, it in no way inhibits your control over him.

This is partly due to the excellent framerate, which in the sections of the game we've seen is smooth as silk. Never a hitch in sight, we're easily reminded of the PS2 series' fantastic visual silkiness. That's not to say that its visuals have suffered for this as the game looks quite good, implementing the classic style from the franchise that we all love. Granted, much of what we played took place in a wine cellar or some such, replete with steam pipes and bottomless pits for whatever reason, but what we've seen looks great.

The little bit we've seen of Daxter looks great. We're all fans of the series, but the first Jak & Daxter is one of our favorites as it combined classic platforming with modern technology. Daxter looks to be a throwback to this style of gameplay, which warms our hearts.




Movie Clip #1
Movie Clip #2
Movie Clip #3
Showing off Animation Clip

So what do you think?
Here's a problem:

It was fine when the PSP had a handful of games that you could have bought, and you probably wouldn't have broken the bank. Now, with Syphon Filter, Splinter Cell, Tomb Raider: Legend, Exit, Megaman X remake, Ghouls n' Ghosts remake, Field Commander, etc., etc., you add Daxter as a "I should really buy this because it looks absolutely fantastic and fun to play" game and then you go crazy broke.

Really, it looks awesome. Hopefully 83 times better than what Death Jr. was (still a great concept + universe).
I wonder how this title will be.
This is the first project from Ready At Dawn Studios -- a team formed from key former members of Naughty Dog and Blizzard....I hope its good. It looks fantastic, and sounds cool too.
Nicked said:
I wonder how this title will be.
This is the first project from Ready At Dawn Studios -- a team formed from key former members of Naughty Dog and Blizzard....I hope its good. It looks fantastic, and sounds cool too.

I think it will turn out well because it's in good hands.
typoEDR said:
Here's a problem:

It was fine when the PSP had a handful of games that you could have bought, and you probably wouldn't have broken the bank. Now, with Syphon Filter, Splinter Cell, Tomb Raider: Legend, Exit, Megaman X remake, Ghouls n' Ghosts remake, Field Commander, etc., etc., you add Daxter as a "I should really buy this because it looks absolutely fantastic and fun to play" game and then you go crazy broke.

Oh god i'm really gonna have to buy a freaking PSP.... I'M BROKE!!!
london-boy said:
Oh god i'm really gonna have to buy a freaking PSP.... I'M BROKE!!!

Esp if they make an "ICO/STOC" psp sort of version right...
Btw have many times have you played through your US imported game by now LB!? :)
This will definately be on my 'to buy' list, barring a bunch of horrible reviews. Daxter is a great character, sort of reminds me of the old Gex.