RaolinDarksbane said:Ah... but that still doesn't address the issue of what will happen if the specs for the next gpu from Nintendo/MS are extremely similar? Even if they are using seperate teams and each team wouldn't share information which each other, wouldn't the one(MS or Nintendo) with the ArtX team likely to end up with a better gpu?? Wouldn't that still be some sort of conflict of interest?
Yes, that could be a problem.
Still I think that Nintendo's requirements differ quite a bit from Microsoft's: Nintendo wants something cheap (but with the best possible price/performance-ratio so they'll still be able to compete on a technical level - e.g. a Flipper-like design with eDRAM) while Microsoft wants something as fast as possible regardless of its price (the "NV2A-approach"). So maybe conflicts of interest can easily be avoided because of the different requirements posed by the two companies.