Crocodile bites off zoo workers arm.

They re-attached it? Chances are reconstructing the vein layout and having him have any control would be nearly impossible. Typically when people lose a limb and theres re-attachment attempts, it's usually long dead and ends up staying that way.

edit- Also you can count on that not being a clean bite. Crocs tend to grab their prey and roll with it in their mouths, same with sharks for the purpose of rending them severely.
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I'd never ever ever ever let any of my limbs anywhere near a croc. Particulary the eating end of it.

Or a tiger. Or a baboon or.. Well you get the picture I guess. :cool:

Anyone who can't understand this concept pretty much deserves whatever happens. They're dangerous wild hungry animals and should be treated as such.
According to the local newspapers, the zoo worker was treating the crocodile which is sick and had not ate anything for days. The worker used a tranquilizer on the croc but apparently it didn't work. He tried to grab the syringe back (?) and the croc suddenly bite off his arm. Other zoo workers attempted to get his arm back but the croc didn't want to cooperate. They soon called a policeman who shot the croc twice with a hand pistol and the croc finally drop the arm, although it doesn't seem to be harmed. Apparently it didn't take very long time, so the doctor said that the chance of reattaching his arm is very good but may require months of rehabilitation.

This also created a controversy because many local newspapers show big and quite graphic pictures on the front page, and some people think it's not appropriate.
Wow..crazy! Reminds me of the story about the crocodile/alligator trainer in the Philipines who got his arm torn to shreds when doing a circus trick where he put his arm inside of its opened jaws after which it snapped down on his arm and started rolling. Kinda like me nibbling on a tasty chicken wing if you know what I mean.
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