CPU/MOBO Heat issues


my CPU (AMD XP 2200+ @1.8 GHZ with Volcano 6) is running ~ 40 C (45 - 52 full load) and my mobo (GA-7VAXP) is running around 30 - 38 C.

What are you cooling suggestions?
What is your price range? You want the best cooling solution go with a SLK-800 topped off with a Vantec Tornado. If that's too loud for you, pick up a 80mm ThermalTake SmartFan(you can adjust the fan speed on that). If that's too pricey for you, you can go with a Volcano 7+(there is a huge difference between the Volcano 7 and 7+, the 7+ is a pure copper design and cools much better then either the V7 or V9). There is also the Volcano 11 which is looking pretty strong on the new reviews. Does your mobo have the mounting holes for the real big HS/F combos? If so, you could go with a SLK-900 and a 92mm fan to get really cool temps.

Are the temps you are talking about internal processor temps or external/under the chip sensor? I assume they are off die, which is what almost every mobo reports back for processor temperature, particularly considering the processor. I hit ~43C using under die sensor @full load with a XP2100 @2.1GHZ 1.70volts, TBred B AIUHB week 3. The thermal sensor I get that reading from is mounted to the bottom of the processor directly(right underneath where the core is). The Volcano9 is running @4200 RPM on the fan right now(adjustable from ~200RPMs to 5600RPMs, forget what the official specs are). At the settings I'm using the fan isn't too bad in terms of noise, though cranked all the way up it's noisy as hell. I wouldn't reccomend a Volcano9 though, I had to lap the heatsink(actually, my wife did that for me) and ended up having to rewire the thing to get it to work(short somewhere in one of the lines), although I have to say now that it is done I'm very happy with the unit.

Ambient temps look pretty good to me, what is the rest of your hardware?

I'm assuming you are looking to OC and that's why you want better cooling? Do you know what core, stepping and week chip you have?