Uh, I don't think you get free spatial and temporal AA by combining a spatial jitter and at the same time, updating the scene. You seem to be claiming that the same 4 samples can do "double duty", but I think this is false.
Imagine I draw a 45-degree line from 0,0 to 1,1. I then render this line 4 times by subpixel offsets of the pixel centers (my jitter). I have now achieved 4x supersampling by sampling the function, f
=x at 4 times the sampling rate.
Now, what if this line is moving each frame at a velocity of 5 pixels to the right. You seem to be claiming that if for each subpixel offset, I also update the position of the line according to the scene (let's say, drawing it from 5,5->6,6, 10,10->11,11, and 15,15->16,16) and blending all four of these together I will have simultaneously performed spatial AA and temporal AA.
But this is false. All you'll have achieved is drawing 4 *different* lines at 4 different positions, with a subpixel offset, and when you resolve these 4 frames, all you'll have of some minor temporal AA, but *no* spatial AA. The lines will appear just as aliased as they previously were, albeited, blended with their backgrounds.
The only time this could work to give you any kinda of spatial AA is if the line is moving so slowly between frames, or if you framerate is so high, that the 'temporal' motion of the scene amounts to subpixel adjustments only, and even then, it won't really be spatial AA, because you're not oversampling the *same* function spatially.
I dunno, there seems to be some kind of mythology surrounding 3dfx and T-Buffer, that it could perform some kind of voodoo magic with AA. That the T-Buffer could somehow give you 4x spatial and temporal at the same time for the same cost.
Moreover, temporal antialiasing sucks at such low sampling rates.