Let me try this again, except with a real world case study which is still on-going. Taiwan.
They've been successful at limiting the impact it has had in the country thus far due to 2 major reasons that are interlinked and pretty much worthless if one of those isn't enforced.
- First they locked down and limited travel into the country.
- Secondly, they tested everyone that was allowed into the country.
In this case testing works because you've limited the scope of the number of people requiring testing. And it doesn't matter whether the person shows symptoms or where the person has been.
- Did the person come from China? Tested.
- Did the person come from France which at the time was a "safe" country? Tested.
That ability to universally test people allowed into the country makes testing useful.
That said, we'll see what happens there going forward as some people with the virus still got into the country prior to them locking down travel. Will they be successful at containing the virus?
However, they've been very aggressive at utilizing their manufacturing sector to rapidly churn out things that are needed to combat or limit the impact of the virus. Again something most other countries aren't able to do due to outsourcing of manufacturing.
Compare that to other countries regardless of whether they were great at testing or not so great at testing at the start of the pandemic. Unless those countries locked down their borders (almost impossible to do for countries that aren't an island nation) testing becomes useless as a way to track the spread of the virus.
The end result in those countries are going to be roughly the same regardless of how well they tested at the start of the pandemic because testing alone won't allow you to track the virus.
BTW - that case in Northern California? Of coursed they tracked the person's previous travel and everyone they had contact with. No connection to Covid-19 was unearthed during the investigation. Hence why it was an important medical discovery.
They basically got it from a carrier who didn't show symptoms and who hadn't been to an at risk country (like China) or any known infection sites. And it's entirely possible that person may have also gotten it from a carrier who didn't show symptoms.