Shut up and take my money?
I just don't get it, I really don't. We desperately need a change in attitude in this country towards the virus, and we need it about 10 months ago!
Makes denying the reality of the situation easier and gives them "experts" to back up their lies with.What is it with republicans and them hiring people who have no experience or have spent their lives undermining or working against the subject they've been hired for ?
This is not the latest. This is since the beginning!The latest from the Hydroxychloroquine brigade is that, well, of course these trials are failing with hospitalised patients. The new shtick is that it must be given as soon as the illness is diagnosed to suppress viral load. With a zinc supplement, for some reason. Or Azithromycin. Or perhaps both. And then it works really well. It's a conspiracy by the medical community to ignore this wonder treatment, apparently. Because doctors don't want to save the lives of their patients.
When did France get a mass influx of 'Muricans?
"Here’s everything you need to know about Pfizer’s positive vaccine news"
“Today is a great day for science and humanity,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said in the press release.
It's vaccines in general, with some increased fear about COVID vaccines I'd say. There's been push by some physicians (yeah really) against vaccination. They were vocal enough that their disinformation still has impacts even after debunking.wow that's shocking that France is at the bottom.
Is it specifically about covid vaccines or vaccines in general?
I agree in a way. This is needed but provided people are educated and turn their brain on at least once a day. If you oppose something, you should oppose it after thinking, not only because you want to oppose as you're the heirs of people who detached monarchy and religion from politics. I'm the first to criticize things I dislike and to say "no", but I don't do it for no reason as many Gilets Jaunes did and still do.If the french weren't rebelious there would have been no french revolution and it could be that we were all still living under totalitarian monarchies to this day. They were the original 'merican rebels, and I thank god for the diversity of behavior and thought throught humanity that brings us types like that to shake things up when it is due. Of course, the price of their existance is they are obnoxious all the time, not just when rebeliousness is actuallg needed. I wouldn't have it otherwise though. I think we are better off with people like that in the world than without. It keeps things balanced. Even if it is bad for 'rona.